Well today while playing together Carolyn tried to pick Anna up. (I am forever saying, "don't pick her up", since Carolyn is only 25lb heavier than Anna.) Anyway, I guess Anna was slipping and Carolyn grabbed her by the arm. Anna started crying and I went to investigate. At first Carolyn "didn't know" why Anna was crying, but when it was clear that Anna's arm was hurt and she wouldn't move it and she wouldn't let me do anything but hold her, Carolyn did say that she tried to keep Anna from falling by grabbing her arm.
Fast forward 30 minutes - I realize that Anna's pain wasn't getting better. I did have the issue of no nap, to make me wonder if she was just tired, but decided to call the doctor's office to be safe. They had me bring Anna in, who still was not moving her arm and crying if I moved it even a little. The doctor speculated immediately that she had "Nurse-maid's arm" (aka dislocated elbow), which happens when a young child's arm is pulled, especially when falling. She checked out Anna's arm and ruled out fracture and then "reduced" it back in place. The dr. said she could feel it pop back into position. The dr. left the room, so that Anna wouldn't be nervous with her around and perhaps would start using her right arm again. Within seconds, Anna was moving her arm and seemed to be extremely comfortable.
Praise the Lord that nothing was broken and that Anna can be pain free tonight.
Now Anna can always say to Carolyn, "yeah...like the time you pulled my arm out of its socket"....just like how I tease my older brother, "yeah, just imagine how smart I would be if you hadn't dropped me on my head when I was a baby".....(that explains a lot doesn't it)