Carolyn's First Reconciliation

Carolyn had her First Reconciliation today (Sunday). We had planned to put Joel and Anna in the nursery so we could both share in her second sacrament. Unfortunately between church and reconciliation, Anna slipped and hit her head. She lost conciousness briefly and tried to choke on the cookie in her mouth, cried and then got sleepy. Does this sound familiar? If not, it is because maybe I didn't blog about when the same thing happened this summer at the pool. I have never had a child do this until Anna and now she has done it twice - in 8 months!!! This summer we had a CAT scan, which was fine, and by the time it was done she was acting normally. Today we had a phone consult with our favorite pediatrician (thanks again Dr. B) and he advised that we could watch her. After a little nap, she was back to normal again. Praise the Lord!!! Hopefully this was the last of these incidents, because even if Anna is doing well, it takes about 10 years off my life. No more tights on tile for Anna!
Anyway, Ken stayed with the other kids while Carolyn and I went to reconciliation alone. Carolyn wanted to hurry to go to do her confession, but of course the priest asked us not to cue into long lines. Of course there were lines everywhere and Carolyn wasn't very patient! But finally she got to go and was as happy as a clam. It was fun to see all my little religious ed. students dressed up so nice and singing their "I'm Sorry Song". ("when we say "I'm sorry" is a happy time for everybody......" you get the idea, sweet sweet sweet)

After Carolyn's special celebration we went home to check on Anna. Ken said she woke up "acting perfectly normal". We decided to have a quick trip to "Girl Scout World Thinking Day". The older girls had crafts and snacks for the younger girls who had made posters about scouting in different countries. (We had South Africa.)
When we got there our leader warned that "the food was interesting (not in a good way), but try it". So we did....MISTAKE. Let's just say if you are in Kuwait don't eat special balls made out of chickpeas that are created by Girl Scouts from the US. I actually think they were rotten, because I am a big fan of the chickpea and these tasted BAD. I took a tiny bite (as did Carolyn) and we threw the rest away. Anna ate the whole thing, which made me think, "look...maybe they weren't so bad"....until Anna threw the whole thing up in my hand. Given her head trama, you would think I would worry more....but you didn't taste the chickpea ball - it was THAT bad. I think if I had eaten an entire chickpea ball I might have had a similar outcome to Anna. I know you must think I am crazy going on and on about these chickpea creations....but they were THAT bad. I will remember them next year at "World Thinking Day".
BTW, I remember going to the same function when I was a Brownie....let's just say it is a bit more thrilling when you are 8. Carolyn and Anna had a grand time. Anna frequently wanted to make sure she had her book (the passport for the event). Carolyn made her rounds in the short time we had, because she is a crafter to the bone (must be genetic....although I am not sure where I got the gene from as my mother isn't crafty) Maybe my dad will leave a comment telling everyone if his mother was crafty! I know she was excellent in the kitchen and she probably didn't have much time to craft since this amazing woman raised my dad's family alone when his father died in my dad's infancy! (I know I got a little off topic....sue me....I had a rough weekend!)