The McCleary family is hitting the road. Ken's oldest sister's oldest daughter is getting married on Saturday. Carolyn is a Jr. Bridesmaid (dream come true) and Anna is a flower girl (mommy's nightmare????). Anyway, I am packing for all but my hubby. I figured I need to pack 40 outfits (50 if you count 2 swimsuits per person). We are gone 5 days and need 3 additional dress-up outfits each (rehearsal, wedding and church). I guess I really only should get credit for packing 48, since the Flower-girl and Bridesmaid's dresses are already in Michigan. Wait, wait....I also need to bring each kid a sweatshirt (just in case) and the girls long pants (again, just in case). If the weather forecast is WAY off, the boys will have to double dip with their dress clothes. So I think that brings me to 53 changes of clothing, if you count PJs and the 2 swim-suits/person and the cold weather gear I hope never sees the light of day. Don't forget to factor in snacks for 4 days of travel and activities to keep the kids entertained during the 1000+ miles on the road.
I am about 75 percent packed, but it is very complicated, because we will be staying in 2 different hotels (one in route) and one night (on the way home) at a friend's house (N.C.!!!!!!, which really only means something to 3 of my faithful readers (one of which is N.C.), but since I only have about 5 readers, that is ok!) I digress.....so I am packing 3 different bags, one for each place we will rest our heads. This has worked very well for me in the past, so I am going to try a repeat performance!
If you understood the last paragraph, kudos to you. The entire prep for this trip has been complicated (or at least not aided) by the fact that 1) Ken is not back from Minneapolis yet, 2) he still needs to mow before we leave and 3) my children are having all kinds of trouble going to sleep tonight (and Anna didn't nap today).
Wish me luck and send a prayer!