This is one of those "keep your eyes open in the bright sun" pictures. It is just funny, but note the beautiful Eucharistic Chapel in the background. We renovated our church last year and after we raised enough money to do the "needs", someone donated the entire $300,000 in order to build this chapel. It is lovely and peaceful inside and out. It is a frequent destination when bringing kids to church for various activities for simple prayer time. I love it.

Anyway...back to the update....
Things are in full swing...church choir, scouts, soccer. Matthew went to his first Social yesterday and LOVED it. His dad needs to give him a few pointers in the dancing department, but I am so happy he had fun.
I JUST finished my last assignment for my Balance Disorder's and Treatment class. It was WAY more work than I anticipated, but I learned a fantastic amount. Despite the fact that I won't probably do balance testing in the near future, this class taught me a lot about the vestibular and auditory system that I can use professionally as well as a ton regarding disorders that I encounter in life with friends and family. My "local" group for class is fantastic and I am glad I chose the University of Florida (they have had so many experts in the field lecture - great decision to pick this university over the other choice). (I put "local" in quotes because my group is a hodge-podge from across North America - other groups tend to be geographically clustered, but not mine....we have people from Canada, Arkansas, New York...you get the picture. There are 11 in this class, but there will be 8 in the next.)
I also have had 2 interviews, to return to clinical audiology. Jury is still out on those. One was last week and the other was awhile ago, but their audiology dept. hasn't had anyone for 2 years, so they indicated that there was a lot to be done before they would get back to me. The joy is I am good if I get a job, or don't right now. My current job goes through 2011 and my schooling would keep be busy into 2012.
Better get back to work - I need to get in a few hours and then study for my final! My stress level is pretty low now that I have gotten through most of the work. 2 classes (almost) down and 8 to go. (1st class...was a required public health class, but finished it before officially starting my "real" classes.)
Next class: Auditory Rehabilitation and Central Auditory Processing Disorders...bring it on!!!