One of Matthew's assignment for his STEM (science technology engineering and math) class was to build a Rube Goldberg machine. "What fun" he thought, "what fun" we thought.....well yes, fun for the first 25 hours then not so much. My brother implied "let him do his own project", which really he did, but after the first 15+ hours it was clear that he needed a bit of help.....after the next 10 it was clear that balloons just don't want to pop.
Finally after about 1000 trials, the machine worked - although not perfectly. It was funny that he had trouble with the train, dominoes and ball on the final trial, because those worked pretty seamlessly for the first 999 trials, but not when finally the stupid balloon popped and the radio turned on. Of course the cinematographer really stunk (me) - although you couldn't see a few steps happening, because they occurred too quickly - they did in fact take place.
Things that didn't make the final cut included a zip line and a boot dropping from a pulley-system to activate the radio.
Thing that I wish had never been thought of: "balloon popping on command"! eish.
Now Matthew has to do his write-up, but more importantly CLEAN up all the initial trials at his Rube Goldberg machine!