Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This and That

This weekend we had our annual Diocesan Youth Rallies.  Here is Carolyn (on the left) at the middle school event that I was able to attend.  (I took the picture.)  Wasn't it nice that the Pope could attend?  Ok - not really - but what a great picture!  The Bishop did say Mass and Carolyn was an Alter Server.  Matthew attended the next day with the older kids.  Our Youth Ministry team is amazing.
 So I am back on the "eat healthy wagon".  I had rolled under the wheels for over a month.  Here is Joel helping me make hummus!  Thankful for such good helpers and good eaters.
 Just had to document this picture somewhere.  These are 3 of my kids golfing in my parents living room.  (My brother sent this golf kit to my Dad after his hip surgery.)  It just makes me laugh because the older grand kids weren't really allowed to play in the living room and now kids can golf there - ha ha!!  I said several times, "are you sure you want them to do this in the living room?".  I guess you worry less about your living room when you are 80!
 Anna lost her first tooth.  It really deserves an entry of its own, but alas here she is.  It has been a very exciting couple of weeks with a wiggly tooth.  In the end I pulled it out because it was getting stuck in an "owie" position.  She was happy to have me do it.  She wants me to pull out the other wiggly one, but we are giving it some time.  She plans to write a note to request to keep tooth 2.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy birthday Matthew

Matthew turned 15 this year.  Although he is in 9th grade, he is still in the 8-9 middle school.  This year, however, our town opened a 2nd high school and due to the smaller enrollment, for the 1st time, the 9th graders were able to march in the high school marching band.  A better blogger would have a great photo of Matthew in his gear, but alas, I have none.  He has to wear his uniform 1 more time this year and I will get a photo.  He loved the marching band, so I know he will be back in uniform again next year despite the 4 day/week 7:00 am start time, Thursday night practices and frequent early Saturday start times.
 Matthew's literacy class read "10 little Indians" by Agatha Christie.  (I know it has a more politically correct name now, but I forget.)  HE LOVED IT, so I got him more Agatha to read.  This summer he received an "early" birthday hammock to take to scout camp too.  He took candy bars to share at the lunch table at school.  School is pretty intense this year, but aside from the home-work, I think he enjoys it.  He just finished his fall soccer season and is aiming toward Life Scout in the near future.  (Next comes Eagle.)  Very proud of how is is growing up!