Thursday, April 17, 2014

Beautiful person.

Let me share with you the wonderful idea that was shared with me by one of our Youth Ministers.  It is a book of bible verses that you personalize yourself for your family.  (You write them by hand and decorate the book, etc.)

I will not bore you with the details of the story of going to Target to buy books to do this projects only to leave Target because the customer service agent was MEAN to me and made me feel somewhat like a criminal.  

I wrote a note to my Faith and Friendship group (where we started this whole project), asking for prayers because my bad feelings about the Target episode left me unable to make this wonderful Bible book.  (I think I may have said something like "the devil must have been at Target")  I wondered and wondered what I was supposed to learn from the bad experience.

My friend and co-religious ed teacher (A.P) wrote back right away and said.  "this can't be - tell me when you can get together - we are making you this book"

Well today at Faith and Friendship, A.P. showed up with this special Bible book-making kit that made for me.  I couldn't even believe the wonders it contained.  Well my friends...the book has been started and will be a life long treasure for my family.  Thanks A.P.

I can tell you what I learned from my bad Target experience.  God can take even a bad experience and make something wonderful come from it.  The beautiful people in our life are from God and are stronger than anything else that comes our way!

Please leave in the comment section your favorite Bible verse so that I can include it in my book.