Joel's basketball team has finished for the year, but they had a great season - Go Chargers. (Joel has the neon camouflage shorts he can hide - no where!) I would hate to be defended by him - relentless!
A piece of Matthew's art was selected for an art festival - called
Art Share at the local bank. I realized in 6th grade art class that my math-science son had a hidden talent. (His art is the black and white drawing to the left of his head.) He was able to squeeze in 2 art classes in high school.
Anna's basketball team is still going strong - Go Ducks. Her team (except for Anna and 2 others) could be re-named Ball Hogs. When they get the ball they don't ever pass. Anna doesn't seem to mind and always likes to go to practice and games, so it is just a mom-gripe!
Here she is making a shot, perhaps after a rebound.
She is a good guard.
Carolyn, Anna and I celebrated Matthew's 6th annual solo and ensemble festival. In high school he has attended Perry Band Olympics, but even in 6th grade (when it was just at the middle school) we always went out after to enjoy some culinary delights. There is an especially neat refurbished hotel in Perry that has this small, neatly decorated restaurant with excellent food.
Anna has asked, since the dawn of time....I mean this go ice skating. (She has gone twice before and loved it.) Today was the day as temperatures were in the 50s. Even after I ditched my skates (rental skates are like a blade on a tight piece of wood strapped to your foot), she continued to enjoy. She might have stayed another hour or two if I was willing. Carolyn was babysitting at church, Matthew pushing carts at HyVee and Joel and Ken -- see below. That is why it was an outing for just the two of us!
Troop 188 went just south of Minneapolis skiing. I wasn't too hip on Joel going, but Ken chaperoned, so I chose not to worry and sent them off. A good time was had by all and every bone stayed in one piece.