I didn't have a much drive to plant a garden this year. I decided that it would make sense to just plant less!
We did plant less AND I had major help!
Matthew cleaned the entire garden and turned the soil for me this week. Then today - he planted almost everything!!! WOW not only fast - but EASY PEASY.....I just passed plants and he planted! (which also explains why we have 2 hot pepper plants including one that might melt your tongue)
Anna went with us to the plant store and asked "aren't there any fruit we can grow?" (and she didn't mean those "pseudo-fruits" that are really veggies (she is looking at you tomatoes!!) ...although she loves cucumbers. Alas I bought her a tray of strawberries. Matthew objected, saying we tried this in Indiana and birds ate all the berries. (I absolutely don't remember this...although I know we tried raspberries. We have raspberries off of our deck right now in fact.) Who really cares.... it made her happy and sometimes that is better than the fact that we might recoup our cost in strawberries.