Track Your Absentee Ballot - Results
Showing results for: ELIZABETH MCCLEARY | ||
Date Request Processed by Auditor | Date Ballot Sent by Auditor | Date Voted Ballot Received by Auditor |
8/25/2020 | 10/5/2020 | 10/13/2020 |
Now, you are saying to yourself, why do we care, why does Betsy care?
I only cared in 2016 when the Chicago Cubs won the series! I even have a sweat shirt that celebrates the event. (of course this is just a result of living with a HUGE Cubs fan, I have become a fan)
Anyway, this year I wanted the Rays to win because they spend $28,290,689 on payroll vs. the Dodgers spending $107,917,397 and I always like the underdog. (even though both sets of salaries are CRAZY)
This still might not have made the blog until Justin Turner, the 3rd baseman for the Dodgers tested positive for Covid, was pulled from the game and THEN WENT OUT ON THE FIELD TO CELEBRATE.
What a selfish selfish man. No picture here, because he doesn't deserve a picture. When he first left his quarantine, the security tried to stop him and get him back in quarantine and he REFUSED!
To quote the New York Times:
"Your actions were a slap in the face to all who have died. All who have lost loved ones. All who have caught the disease and struggled. To the doctors and nurses, the grocery clerks and the postal workers. To the kids stuck at home, attending school over laptops.
You should make amends to your fans, to the fans of baseball, to everyone watching, and all who see you as a role model."
Of course other articles have pointed out a big question, "why did MLB test the players if they weren't going to get the results before the game?" Turner's Monday test came back "inconclusive" during the 2nd inning on Tuesday, so they quickly tested his Tuesday's results and it was positive...but by then the game was almost over. (my cynical self thinks that the Monday test was actually positive, but they didn't want to pull him out for a false positive so they looked at the Tuesday result to be sure.)
Today I saw my first patient who was post-Covid19. But she wasn't really "post", she just was no longer contagious because this disease started for her September. She was still in the CCU (Critical Care Unit). She had just been extubated from the ventilator, but she was still on some kind of supplemental breathing machine. She couldn't talk above a whisper. She was still NPO, unable to even swallow the liquid from an ice-chip safely. She had infection that required gentamycin. (this is why I was called as this drug is oto-toxic) They also were trying to decide if she had a stroke.
People who don't wear a mask, especially people who say that this disease is a hoax, need to see this side of the disease. She is only 55 years old. She may have a moderate to severe hearing loss because of the medications, but because she wasn't completely lucid, I can't be sure yet. She still is getting the gentamycin, so she may lose more hearing. Like my front desk staff said, "why is this (hearing) even important right now?" I had to agree as I was testing this sweet lady and she said things like "mama" and "baby". (the nurse said she was hallucinating) They implied she was going to be released soon, but I have to guess this is wrong or she is being released to a nursing home.
I can understand that the doctor wants to protect her hearing for her quality of life when she is looking at Covid in the rear view mirror. I hope for her that it is soon. Please pray that she didn't have a stroke and that she can fully recover.
Home » Elections » Voters » Absentee Voting » Track Your Absentee Ballot
Showing results for: ELIZABETH MCCLEARY | ||
Date Request Processed by Auditor | Date Ballot Sent by Auditor | Date Voted Ballot Received by Auditor |
8/25/2020 | 10/5/2020 | 10/13/2020 |
1st of all Joel actually had a show choir practice last Thursday! Normally Show Choir (high school not 8th grade) takes a huge bite out of August and is the reason we always vacation in July!
Today Anna and I watched the student/parent 8th grade show choir video. They are going to meet 1/2 the time in 1/2 the size of groups to practice. They will practice in a gym instead of a mirrored show choir room to spread out. They also must wear a mask at all times and will only stay in one place for 30 minutes for weekly practices. (so practices will be a bit shorter and kids will have videos to also work on at home)
They joking added the 2 groups names together (Ignition+Dynamite=Ignamite) They won't actually ever be together and they really aren't changing the names....really just a ha ha....2020 is crazy kinda thing. (Joel said that they should just call it EXPLOSION (cuz you know what happens when you Ignite Dynamite))
Then they announced a very 2020 appropriate theme:
" Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life." Donald Trump on Twitter 10/5/20
Tell that to my neighbor who lost both of his parents! Maybe if we all could be flown to Walter Reed the day we became sick or lived at a place that has 20+ medical staff at our beck and call we could all relax a little. Maybe if we could get Regeneron immediately after diagnosis. (oh yeah - this medication is still in trials and unavailable to almost everyone who isn't the President)
He needs to tell his followers to take this disease seriously and to mask up! Do it to protect the weak and to slow the spread.
I mask to protect myself so that I don't pass this disease to others. I mask to protect other people from a virus I might unknowingly carry. If this is "dominating my life"....then I will do it proudly....to keep other people safe. To help my country.