Grad parties were not a thing in 1987, or in many towns, but they are a thing in Ankeny. (except for the class of 2020...poor Carolyn! although there were a handful of parties that proceeded but we didn't participate or attend)
Joel had a joint party with his 2 best buddies. It worked out great although I like to be in control of things like this and had to give that up for this event! I am rooting for Anna to have her party in our house like Matthew! That said, everything went well and I think Joel really had fun.
Here is a bunch of cross country buddies (and the boys he stayed with in Nashville who are in the show band). 19 cross country boys came, which is only one reason why I love that group of kids!
Here is me with my high school friend Noelle. Joel helps babysit her dog Ownie!
The must-have family shot!
The party hosts with their 5th grade teacher. This is where Joel and Will met Karsten and the rest is history! Carolyn, Matthew and Anna all had her as a teacher at some point.
Aunt Mary came for a whirl-wind visit and was a great help!
Here are the CORE kids from church. (3 others came at different times during the party.) I can't remember what CORE stands for, but they help with Youth Ministry.
My cousin Joe and his wife Carol, with Mary, Gary and Ken. I am showing this photo despite that it makes me pregnant because I didn't get any other photos with Gary. (It is just the shirt's bow in front, I promise. At some angles it does flatter, but clearly not this one. I want to redo my wardrobe that day for sure.)
Here is my best buddy Joelle and her hubby Craig.

Here is my buddy Anita and her daughter Ruth, Anna's best church buddy (she goes to a different school). Joel often transports Ruth who also is in CORE.