Saturday, February 18, 2023

Perry Band Olympics

Flute Choir (during critique, didn't want to take a photo during the performance)

Before solo performance (since my camera isn't stealth, I didn't want to snap a photo during the real thing.)

Traditional lunch at Hotel Pattee after the performances  (get a good look at the braces...because they are not long for the world - 3 weeks to go!)

Cool art in Perry Iowa


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Anna's busy day

 During show choir season, many things are piled into non-competition weekends.

On Saturday Anna worked at a booth selling girl scout cookies and we went to church.  (Not to much....but wait for Sunday)

Skiing with her Girl Scout Troop

Ice Skating at her friend's surprise birthday party

Arts and Darts and Hearts event for Youth Ministry!  Three was a lot of art - creating this painting below - each person painted 2 to 3 tiles (with the outline of the black and then the word "warm" and "cool" for what colors to paint the rest of the tile.....warm colors in the fish and cool colors for the outside)) 

There were very few darts (nerf battle) because the painting took so long because turn out was low due to the Super Bowl.  So everyone had to paint more tiles than expected.  But it was great fun.  I did the yellow, green and blue on top and the purple in the corner.  I will have to ask Anna which ones she did.) 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Valentine Card

Here is a picture of the favorite card I have ever made.  

 It closes like a regular card, but this is what it opens up to be.  I saw something similar made by a crafter online, but I couldn't download her instructions.  (It was offered in a class I didn't attend online.)  But I looked at what she did and re-created it.  I am thrilled by how it turned out!  It is called a mantle card, because I guess you can display it on your mantle!  (I will - but not until I give it to Ken on Valentine's Day.)

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Happy 19th birthday Joel

 Joel came home for his birthday and to go to Anna's show choir competition.  (although he and Anna didn't actually spend any time together yesterday - I did get to eat lunch with the boys) 

After Ken and Joel watched the daytime awards, they went to the Iowa Wild basketball game.  They got to see Jordan Bohannon, who played for the Iowa Hawkeyes last year.  My buddy J and her hubby C had 2 extra tickets courtside - so they were amazing (J and C and the ticket location).  (I was chaperoning Anna's show choir until about midnight, so we all had fun yesterday (just kidding - my day was much less fun, especially when the fire alarm went off and we got to go out in the dark < 32 degree weather with about 500 other people)  I think Anna enjoyed her day and they got 2nd place in the prep-division!!