Here is the Garden-master.

Our garden requires two big ”thank yous”.
1st to my grad-school friends: The L family! (They lent us the roto-tiller when I mentioned on a walk that we were going to rent one the next day.)
2nd to Pastor Mike at 1st United Methodist Church who is letting us use the space and supplied us with the soaker-hoses to water today! What a nice guy. He said he is just happy that the ground is being productive and that we will be able to continue their Agape garden tradition of supplying fresh veggies to the poor. Since we have more room than we could possibly use and 12 tomato and 12 pepper plants, and hills of every vining thing you could want – it should be easy. We also are growing sweet peas, green beans, radishes and carrots, but not sure about how well they will do yet!
The garden might even make me happier than the completed "girls room" from yesterday (see previous entry). I think I see a connection between productivity and happiness....either that or it was the 10 hours of "solitary" time I was able to enjoy yesterday that refreshed me!
We also have some volunteer tomatoes coming up in the garden. It is like God thought we needed a few more cherry tomatoes!!!! I decided that it would be hard to be a gardener and an atheist!
I can't wait to see the harvest. It sounds like it will be bountiful.