We had a fantastic first week of summer - go back in time with me!
We are lucky enough to have a 2nd grade girl on our court - Carolyn is loving it. (I am too, because she is a nice girl with nice parents.)

Here is Anna by her little "swimming pool" - her brothers and sister filled for her (see picture above)

Anna's Maiden Voyage in her bicycle cart. As I promised my mother - I will only ride her on the sidewalk or bicycle paths - of which there a MANY in Ankeny! Now that the 3 big kids can ride bikes faster than I can walk - this was a good idea! Don't worry there is a cover over the top and she is belted in twice.

It may look like I am breaking my rule already, but really we are just riding in the court, so that Carolyn could take a picture. I got on the sidewalk immediately after!

We had to go Downtown (Des Moines) to file for the Homestead Exemption. I searched for 2 days for the paper that I was told to bring at the home closing, then the guy didn't even need it! After walking to the courthouse we trekked back to the Museum of Iowa History. Not as cool as the museum the day before (see below) but worth seeing a lot of old things, especially loved the Native American artifacts.

Wednesday -
On the way home from the Science Museum, Anna fell asleep, so we stopped at the garden. She snoozed in the shade while the kids did some swinging near the church that allows us to use the land. They also helped me keep the weeds at bay.

Here is Joel at the Science Museum (thing Children's Museum + really great science presentations). He was trying to wrap an egg to keep it from breaking when dropped from the top of the room. (rubber egg - thank goodness - because the sensors told us "CRACK")

Here is Anna watching the "Fire and Ice" Exhibit. She was really great about sitting in her stroller - but wasn't too thrilled when the hydrogen filled balloons exploded. The other kids especially loved that part!

Dry Ice, Liquid Nitrogen, Hydrogen balloons - it was fantastic.
Later at a different presentation, the kids got to pet a salamander, snake and turtle. We'll be back next week!
It looks like you packed a bunch of fun in your week. How fortunate you are to have good neighborhood kiddos and big open spaces to play in.