OK - I have come to the realization that I will never have several uninterrupted days to work on my storage room. So I am going to
have to chip away at it. Without a goal - I have not done much chipping. So today I am starting "20 boxes in 20 days". Between now and the 24th of November (coincidentally my hubby's B-day), I will go through and sort 20 boxes in the storage room. Many of these are miscellaneous boxes from our house or the apt., which were put together in haste
"to get 'er done". There are several other boxes that were created on a day when we were having guests and we needed to clean some other room with lightning speed. Anyway these boxes are just not sorting themselves and they are worthless as is. (The reason I will need to stop in 20 days is because my parents and my brother's family will be coming for Thanksgiving, so I will need to take a break to tidy up for them! I will have to have the
12 Days of Boxes during December or something fun like that!)
Yes I already have gone through my box for today (and 1 extra) before I sat down to post. I am posting to make this daunting project a bit more fun and so you can all keep me at my best!
Here are 3 good finds for the day.
1. don't you just love a 3D ruler....it is just cool and triangular shaper.....I am always looking for a good ruler, so it may as well be fun - it is going in my office desk!
2. A little book of sports puzzles. Joel has just developed a love of puzzles - especially mazes and word finds - this is the perfect size and difficulty for my new puzzler.
3. My audiologist's equivalent of a stethescope. It allows me to listen to hearing aids and FM units. Ok, I don't need it today or tomorrow, but I had it made to fit my ear perfectly in grad school and I love it!

My 2 boxes today had many "craftish" items. I have sorted them by what they are - thrown away a bunch of crapola and started a new "good will" box.
I love the progress!
Fancy new blog girl,
ReplyDeleteLove the plan! Keep at it! Remember it's okay to create new boxes for the project like "GOODWILL" and "TRASH" and "THINK ABOUT" just to get through your box for the day, but then at the end of the 20 days you have to deliver those to their prospective places (goodwill, trash bin, and then take the think about box to trash/goodwill/save after you've had some reflecting time) Not that I am an ocd organizing freak or anything. :)
Betsy,...hey, this is a GREAT goal! Not too overwhelming and now you are one day ahead and if something comes up ...you've got one in the back pocket. I am kindof dreading the whole unpacking and organizing the stuff into reasonable places thing that is coming up for us. While it will be nice to be out of boxes...it's been a lot of packing and unpacking this year. I am going to be cheering for you as you get through your project. How do you do it - make those beautiful quilt blocks and find time to organize on top of all the daily things that have to get done??!! You go gal!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny!! I just started a similar project. I was painting Coryn's room, (and I do feel bad leaving it unfinished) but I need another gallon of paint for the "last wall" and then to redo some spots on the other three walls and I just didn't feel like cleaning the brush & roller one more time. So I started on the basement. I actually found the shelves for the credenza and unpacked 8 boxes of toys. I also have all the "books" boxes lined up ready for the bookshelf as soon as my dad brings it down. Keep up the good work! When you get down you can come to my house. :)