Ken burned all our photos from our old camera onto a disk. I went online and ordered prints of all the pictures we have taken to date (I wasn't too far behind on this - thank goodness, because it still took hours). Nothing like reviewing several months of pictures to help you relive the year.
Many joys of 2009:
My family:
My friends: Keeping in touch with the old via the phone/internet and postal system. Visits from even older friends who live in the midwest. Making new friends at my church and in my neighborhood
My gardening: (I will be honest, it was a bit overwhelming at the peak of tomato season and I was glad in the fall to be done. Of course now even my frozen and canned produce is gone and I am starting to think about next year!):A return of an old hobby - quilting:
BTW, this is the doll-quilt I made for Carolyn's new doll. I had sewn many of these little squares together at different periods of time. I had even done some in Newburgh. I am using all my scraps for old projects to make a lap quilt for these cold days, but took out a few to make this sweet little thing. (I had intended to give Carolyn an Eye-Spy doll-quilt, but she saw that one before Christmas, so that will go to someone fault for leaving it out, I thought she was upstairs for the night, but she came down to get a book.)
this is the back
We started the new year with a day off! We did the obligatory load of dishes and laundry so as not to be overcome, but I didn't try to do my paid employment or organize my counters etc. It was great. As I mentioned, I ordered all of our pictures. Additionally I worked a bit on Carolyn's quilt and a lap quilt I started for my God-daughter niece. I am honored to be her Confirmation sponsor this spring and thought this would be a good gift.It was nice to end the first day of the new year at a neighbor's home. They invited the neighborhood for a get together and it was SOOO nice to meet a few of the neighbors I have only seen in passing and to chat with the others that we see MUCH less of this time of year. We really lucked out with this neighborhood. I LOVE it.
Although I dearly love my "Word of the year" from 2009 - balance, I have decided to jump on the band wagon and use a new phrase for this year!
My new phrase even has an acronym: WIP - work in progress. I am definitely a work in progress and if you look around my house you can tell I always have about 10 WIPs going on. More about 2010 later....the first day of the new year is almost over and I am about to turn into a pumpkin.
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