Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's the Great Halloween Charlie Brown

We had a wonderful Halloween weekend. Ken's parents came to visit on Saturday, but you will just have to trust me about that because my camera is acting goofy, so when I went back to download more photos it started acting up. After all the Halloween festivities of the weekend, I wasn't wanting to figure it out tonight. It was great to see them and we were very glad that Ken's mom is recovering well from her knee replacement surgery. They will leave Friday for Texas, so we were happy they were able to come to on Saturday.

In our community, Trick or Treat was on Saturday this year. Here are my super heroes.

Although Matthew wasn't dressed as a traditional super hero, his actions were quiet heroic, as he went trick or treating for canned goods with the church Youth Ministry rather than trick or treating for candy. I was able to chaperon this event and it was FANTASTIC. This will be an annual tradition for me, as it was so delightful to witness 6-12 graders giving back to the community and having such a great time doing it and celebrating God. (>1400 items collected!)

Ken took the other kids trick or treating while we left a special "spell" book full of candy for our neighbors on the front porch! On Halloween day we went to my Faith and Friendship group's Halloween party. It was nice to gather with spouses and older children, who are usually at school when we meet.

My super-girl has a new super-skill - solving 24 piece puzzles by herself. I love when the kids hit this milestone. She probably would have done it sooner, but when I am sitting by her she always says, "help me Mama!" Since I was doing other things she did it herself (about 5 times :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

My project!

I am reading a new book. I am not recommending it yet, because I am only on the first chapter. Believe it or not, I read about this book in an old magazine that I inherited from my mother-in-law and kept around for when I need "anna's in the bathtub" reading. Anyway what I have read so far really fits me.

Here is a quick quote:
"It was time to expect more of myself. Yet as I thought about happiness, I kept running up against paradoxes. I wanted to change myself but accept myself.....I wanted to use my time well, but I also wanted to wander, to play and to read at a whim....I wanted to let go of envy and anxiety about the future, yet keep my energy and ambition."

I hope to have a goal each month, like the author discusses, although I haven't decided what goals. The author talks about having a check list for your goals to help keep what you want to accomplish in the front of your mind. I do know that for November, my goal will be to increase organization. (YES - this will make me very happy.) I have bought a planner that should get here today and that will be one way. I also hope to make a list of all the important phone numbers I need to have in one place. I also want have all my usernames and passwords together on a neat and typed paper! Small pleasures.

I started my organizing early, by completely finishing the great summer to winter clothes transition. Additionally, I now have separate boxes for each kid and each season, so the sort will be less hectic next time. FYI, I will not be shopping for clothes for the kids in the next year - yippee! Anna is starting to grow into clothes I saved from Carolyn! I love seeing her in them. Carolyn has some cute clothes from J., Nina's daughter. Joel has Matthew's and his 2nd cousin's hand-me-downs. Matthew even has clothes to grow into, but these were just fantastic bargains.

Another way I am "organizing" is by putting my pictures into their correct albums. It feels great to start to get that area under control. (how is that for taking a fun-hobby and making it an organization accomplishment :)

I also just decided to encourage my kids to have their own happiness goals!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christ Our Life Catholic Conference

Click on the Link Below to see what was in my own backyard (figuratively speaking).
Christ Our Life Catholic Conference

I spent this Saturday afternoon listening to Matthew Kelly, Renee Bondi, Mario Restrepo and Cardnal Arinze. I would love to have gone the whole weekend, but felt like listening to the speakers I did gave me a wonderful feel for the conference, while allowing me to still work and be with my family this weekend. If this type of conference occurs again, I am getting a group together (and remembering to bring a sweater) and spending the whole weekend! It was fantastic. It was wonderful that my friend gave me a free ticket and then right before the retreat the organizers had met their financial goals and were welcoming people to "fill the well" (Wells Fargo Arena) for free. I felt like that really was in the spirit on God. I don't think that the people who didn't attend knew what they were missing. The arena wasn't full of people, but the presenters really were full of the spirit. If people knew what was going on, there should have been standing room only - it was that good. I was going to recommend this conference to you (if it came to your neighborhood), but I think it was custom built for Des Moines.

Just a little recap:
Mario Restrepo talked about how he fell away from God and the church when he was 14, but at 49, while being held in a cave, kidnapped in Columbia, he had an experience with God. (I think it was like people who have "near death" experiences.) It was sort of a mystical dream, but it was like the rich-man who allowed Lazarus to starve outside his door, and then wanted him to warn his brothers to repent after he was in Hell. EXCEPT Mario got his message on earth and was allowed to change his world and live for God. It was very interesting.

Renee Bondi woke up one evening standing on the end of her bed and dove into the floor (like she was acting out a dream, but was actually moving). She is a quadriplegic, who uses her music ministry to share how God is with her despite the trials she faces. Her voice is FANTASTIC and her story very moving. She is a wonderful motivational speaker.

Cardinal Arinize spoke of the book the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Although his talk wasn't as inspiring as the others (more churchy), I do plan to do more reading of the CCC!

Matthew Kelly. I was introduced to him (ok - not personally, but his works) by Krista who shared his DVDs with me before we moved. After the move, I purchased one of his books. After his talk, I would like to buy more. (of course finishing the first book first) He talked about the 7 pillars of faith and how to live them in our daily life. I can't do it justice, but I think he has a book on this topic exactly! He also was very funny, which I wasn't expecting.

The best thing that he shared was the idea that everyone complains that Mass is boring, when really we need to ask ourselves (and God) what we should be doing to make the Mass more important to us. His very practical idea was to have a Mass journal. At the beginning of Mass, ask God what one thing He wants us to learn from the Mass to make us a better person during the next week. Our family did this the next day and it was WONDERFUL to see the kids come up with ideas about how God spoke to them and how they were going to live better. We are going to do this again next week - I love the idea for myself and my family.

It's great to have friends with computer skills!

My friend SS came to my rescue when I was unable to post my most recent photo-shoot pictures onto my blog. She has a great software program that allowed her to grab these photos off the Target site and send them to me. Even better, I was able to just forward the email she sent to my blog and here they are! Thanks SS! I am so glad to have these here.

The kids!

My cousin asked if my kids always get along as well as these pictures imply! SOMETIMES :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My tween-ager

Matthew had his twelfth birthday today (October 13). Let me just say - this kid likes birthdays! He celebrates each little pleasure throughout the day - from a special breakfast (oatmeal-buttermilk pancakes - you could be impressed if you didn't know that we had "late start" today and I still ended up running around like crazy before we left for school), bringing treats to his "advisory" (think home-room from the good-old days) and the family-fun birthday party.

This birthday is special because this is the last birthday for a long time without "teen" in the title. Matthew actually received clothes for his birthday for the first time (and was happy about it). When we went shopping shortly after school started we bought him quite a few new things. We hadn't bought much in recent years and the kids dress a bit more casually in middle-school here. (Which means he wants to save his collared shirts for Sunday :) We hit a GREAT sale at the mall and he decided that some of the new clothes could be birthday presents. Luckily, he isn't very picky about clothes, so this is the first time in his life he has ever cared about what he wears and is still pretty laid-back about it.

Matthew's other birthday present combined 2 of his favorite things - Legos and Harry Potter. When he asked for this present, I agreed to it only if these special Legos were put together and then displayed away from the rest of the Legos. (Taken down as needed to play and rebuild.) We have never been a "build the Lego pattern" type of family, but I didn't want to see these Legos get mixed up with all the other Legos we inherited (thanks Brent) or received as gifts. Harry Potter Legos on Ebay are crazy expensive, so luckily the Lego website had this new Quiddich kit for sale at a reasonable price (it was 1/4th the price of a similarly sized Quiddich set that was released previously and for sale on Ebay). (side note: Ebay is an interesting place, because I think it makes some things sell for more than I feel they are worth! The Lego website actually limits how many new sets you can buy - to prevent people from hording, then reselling - eish!)

When I asked Matthew if he wanted a "theme" cake, he said, "no, just a cake is fine". (Believe it or not, sometimes Matthew likes to make things "easy" or cost efficient for me.) Of course, I still like making the cake a little special. Past cakes have included Harry Potter and Legos - no big surprise. We also have had Rescue Heroes (age 5), Pokemon and a soccer ball shaped cake (that was last year). No one will forget the turtle birthday cake, because that was the theme for everyone's 2nd birthday. We also had a butterfly cake one year, back when we raised Monarchs from eggs.

ahhh- you can see why I wasn't quite ready to give it up. Anna and I found little kit of the solar system at the store, so we made that the theme. Matthew loves science, so it was a good fit. Of course, the package indicated that there were 8 planets (well...7 planets and the sun), but by the time the cake was made we had only 6 planets to orbit the sun. I am not sure if one was missing when we bought the package or if perhaps one was misplaced by little fingers (not that I am pointing fingers). I told Matthew to remember that it was just an artist's rendition of the solar system :)

After Matthew's birthday dinner he had Religious Ed. at church. Before we left, however, someone decided to push each and every planet (and the sun) into the cake. We won't tell tales, but the guilty party did say, "I say sorry to Matthew in the car, so now I have cake?" Matthew didn't seem to mind. After we removed all the planets he said, "Actually, it looks a bit like the Milky Way now."

I know Matthew is growing up, as he gave me most of his birthday money to put in his 529 college account. (We match any money the kids put in there, so it is a pretty good deal. Plus he still has a majority of his Christmas money left, if he wants to buy something.) Regardless, I am glad that he sees the benefit of saving at a young age and that the money didn't burn a hole is his pocket as it might of in younger days. I need to make sure his siblings hear about his decision, since they are still in the "burning a hole" stage.

Although Ken was in Atlanta for Matthew's birthday, I know he had a great day. (I think he used those words himself.) Ken told Matthew that he will make him his favorite dinner (currently grilled shrimp) this weekend.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I thought this outfit on Anna made her look like such a "big" girl. (She is wearing her pre-school t-shirt.)

She has changed so much in the last few months. Here are some things we often hear:

1. "That is perfect for me!"
Whenever she sees a pint-sized item (like a small pear among a bunch of big pears) she often makes this declaration. It has changed a bit in the last few weeks to "that is perfect for us" (meaning Mom and Anna). When the kids are at school she is my shadow.
2. "I go potty, I'll be right back."
She wants to make sure that we know she is leaving and that she doesn't want to miss a thing.
3. "That letter is in my name!" (or Matthew's/Carolyn's/Joel's/mom's)
She is a letter crazed girl and now enjoys writing letters too. It is amazing what a difference a handful of days at pre-school can make!
4. "I love this song, do you love it too?
Anna loves music and knows my favorites.
5. "Can I stir it? I'll get my stool."
This girl loves to cook and wants to help with me make everything. Did I mention that she is my shadow when the big kids are gone to school? She plays better "by herself" when they are home - I know, it's crazy. Perhaps she thinks I am lonely when they are gone.
6. "I love you and sissy too, and Daddy, and Matthew and Joel and Bama and Bampa and the other Bama and the other Bampa."
This often is her response to "I love you." She's got a lot of love.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall photos

Ok - this seems a bit of an odd way to show you some photos, but the Target web-site doesn't seem to want to allow downloading anymore. It is strange, because in May, this wasn't a problem. They weren't print quality downloads, but they were cute on the blog. So this is a temporary blog, because the link will expire in 90 days. Luckily, I bought all my favorite poses and will have them back in a few weeks and won't need the link anyway! (so, if you want, go down to the bottom of this post and click on "click here")

I probably think this all the time, but these are some of the best photos I have gotten at a portrait studio like this, especially because we were in and out - including ordering and paying for the photos - in one hour! In May, Anna was very serious about her birthday pictures and looked pleasant, but didn't smile. Today, the photographer had the kids saying funny words and Anna smiled instantly. I was afraid that Joel wasn't using a natural smile, but saying the "magic words"/funny phrases caused him to loosen up each time. I can't wait to get these great photos back. I am so thrilled my friend J. recommended the Target Studio!

I tried to take a few photos after we returned from Target (since they were all "matchy-matchy") and had even greater appreciation for the photographer. Of course, by that time, the kids were "pictured-out" and Anna didn't want to sit still, but I think that studio atmosphere brought out the best in them.

Target Portrait Studio
Hello and welcome to Target Portrait Studio.

Betsy Mccleary is excited to share these wonderful portrait memories from Target Portrait Studio with you.

"I thought you might like to see the photos that I had taken of the kids. love, Betsy"

Click here to view these portraits. You can even create an account and add this album, so you can come back to it again later. It's fast, easy and convenient.

Once you have picked up the album, you can view the images at your leisure, order portraits for yourself and even create your own portrait gift products with these images.

30% off your entire online order - 3 days only - order now!
This email was sent by: Lifetouch Portrait Studios Inc.
11000 Viking Dr., Suite 200 Eden Prairie, MN, 55344, USA

Friday, October 8, 2010

August Virtual Quilting Bee - Part 2

I wanted to share 5 more beautiful blocks from the VQB! I think the last 2 blocks may need to be made by me, since we can't seem to locate one quilter since she moved and the other block is missing in action. I haven't figured out who I am missing, but it doesn't really matter. I will enjoy making a few more blocks. I want to make sure the quilt is "lap-size", so that might require even a few more blocks. I am putting the blocks aside though, at least until 2011, so that I can scrapbook a little - hopefully before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Plus there is a baby quilt I need to bind (and quilt just a touch more :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Real Joy

This is from the Catholic Exchange email I get. I felt like it was speaking right to me!

Homily of the Day

Let the Lord Show You Where the Real Joy Is!
by Monsignor Dennis Clark, Ph.D.

Gal 1:13-24 / Lk 10:38-42
We are great worriers, every last one of us. In the course of a week, the range and quantity of things that we allow ourselves to worry just a little about, or perhaps a lot, is truly remarkable. Like the obese person who nibbles constantly without realizing it and then is astonished when the day’s nibbling is totaled in pounds and ounces, almost all of us would be astounded if the weight of our worries could be laid before us so graphically.

Worry steals from us the best parts of our lives, but it doesn’t have to. Worry can only get a foothold if we allow it. And that’s why Jesus addressed Martha so firmly in today’s gospel. “Martha,” he said, “you are worried and upset about many things; one thing only is required.”

We have the power to choose what we give our attentions to. The challenge for each of us is to see and then to choose decisively what’s worth giving our time and our hearts to. Don’t fritter your life away with baskets and bales of what in the end amounts to nothing. Let the Lord show you “the one thing only that is required.”

Friday, October 1, 2010

Virtual Quilting Bee (VQB)- August

Part 1-
Despite having posted September's VQB, I neglected August. This is rather funny, because I am Miss August for the VQB, which means I sent out the fabric and received back many blocks. I think I finished my September block before I finished my August block, which may explain my mixed up order. I also was waiting to see if any more blocks trickled it. The pictures don't really do the beautiful blocks justice. I am only posting 5 blocks, despite having photographed 8. Something went wrong during the download of the last 3 and I know I won't post anything tonight if I have to hunt up the camera (Ken had it last) and down-load the photos. Also, I just received another block a couple days ago that hasn't been photographed yet (from SS's sweet niece). Plus I received an email that another block is en route from Oregon! Since there has to be a part 2 (and maybe a part 3 if the final block arrives), I decided to go ahead with this post.

I have really missed blogging, but have been spread a bit thin by fall sports and activities. This will start to settle down in a couple of weeks!!!

(above)SS's fun, brick-inspired block

(above)My block - I have always loved "jeweled square" blocks. In fact, I might make Matthew a very "manly" (doesn't seem like the right word) quilt with similar-style blocks using masculine fabrics. I think it would go together pretty easily and fit a his 'tween (pre-teen/between) room. By the time it is finished he will probably be a teen, since he turns 12 next week and has a double bed (and I haven't actually started making it)!

This of course reminds me that I never photographed Joel or Carolyn's quilts! Perhaps that will be my next post.