I thought this outfit on Anna made her look like such a "big" girl. (She is wearing her pre-school t-shirt.)
She has changed so much in the last few months. Here are some things we often hear:
1. "That is perfect for me!"
Whenever she sees a pint-sized item (like a small pear among a bunch of big pears) she often makes this declaration. It has changed a bit in the last few weeks to "that is perfect for us" (meaning Mom and Anna). When the kids are at school she is my shadow.
2. "I go potty, I'll be right back."
She wants to make sure that we know she is leaving and that she doesn't want to miss a thing.
3. "That letter is in my name!" (or Matthew's/Carolyn's/Joel's/mom's)
She is a letter crazed girl and now enjoys writing letters too. It is amazing what a difference a handful of days at pre-school can make!
4. "I love this song, do you love it too?
Anna loves music and knows my favorites.
5. "Can I stir it? I'll get my stool."
This girl loves to cook and wants to help with me make everything. Did I mention that she is my shadow when the big kids are gone to school? She plays better "by herself" when they are home - I know, it's crazy. Perhaps she thinks I am lonely when they are gone.
6. "I love you and sissy too, and Daddy, and Matthew and Joel and Bama and Bampa and the other Bama and the other Bampa."
This often is her response to "I love you." She's got a lot of love.
Anna is becoming her own person and her personality is adorable.