My family is going to start doing a Jesse Tree this year and we are going to make a paper chain that will be full of our good deeds. We will then decorate our Christmas tree with the chain.
Joel made the first contribution to the chain by writing a letter. I suggested his Grandma who lives in Texas in the winter, since she won't be luck and get to see him at Christmas. Here is what he came up with. (I did suggest the picture of baby Jesus, but he did the rest (I guess I also helped with the spelling of "would"). I especially like that he labeled the people.)

Another thing that brings me Christmas cheer is this video link (click Hallelujah below) that my sister-in-law sent me. It is a Flash Mob where they sang this beautiful song in the middle of a food court. I especially love the chorus of PEACE ON EARTH.
Marry and Joesuf! Precious writing of little people warms my heart.