Anna's two loves - crafts and being outside (even if it raining she asks to go out). I took this picture one afternoon when it was snowing, but pretty lovely. It was the first of two days when it snowed 1 1/2 inches and melted before 11:00, but was still snowing! Crazy weather.

Matthew's big project of March was his atom - Sodium. We went to Michael's craft store to try to find materials to make this lovely atom, but they were low in stock of styrofoam balls and we decided that wasn't very original since there were two other 6th graders there buying styrofoam balls at the same time. We were brainstorming on the way home and we remembered Joel's Pokeball Pinata and we had our idea. Matthew thought of using Easter Eggs as the Neutrons and Protons. Aunt Mary came to the rescue with beads and wire for the electrons!

We went to see Grandma and Grandpa Schilling at the start of Spring Break but forgot the camera. We went to the Twin Cities (Triplett Cities if you count Bloomington, where we stayed - near the Mall of America). Ken was working at his Minnetonka office and we played!

We were able to meet our friend's B. and C. If you haven't hear the story, B and C let Ken live with them for 4 months after our respective room-mates married each other, but before our own wedding date. They were and are the best.

There is the Nickelodeon Amusement Park in the Mall of America and the kids (minus Anna) enjoyed this ride 2 years ago when we went as well as this year.

I didn't bring a stroller and Anna was ready to go back to swim at the hotel shortly after lunch. I was very glad I didn't spring for the "all the rides you want" arm bands, because she was ready to go before we spent 1/4th that amount in the "ride-points" I had bought. She did love the carousel and this Blue's Clues ride.

Carolyn chose to get her face painted rather than go on a 2nd ride. Anna of course wanted to join in the fun. Glad we took the photo, since we went swimming a few hours later!

Joel had a look of extreme joy during this ride (although not this photo). His face made it worth the entire trip. Matthew road a large coaster, but I didn't get a photo, as I was just busy trying not to misplace anyone.

Carolyn LOVES the American Girl concept. She doesn't own an actual doll, but she has 2 Our Generation Dolls, that look a lot like them. She has contemplated spending her Christmas money from her Grandparents on the real thing, but knows that she wouldn't have any money to spend until her birthday and hasn't taken the leap. We did go into the American Girl store though! She bought her Jenny doll glasses for $8! eish - Especially pricey since she stepped on them within the first week of their purchase. They are still functional, but a little more fragile now. They do look cute on Jenny, but don't have a photo to prove it :)

You packed a lot of fun in this post. We have yet to discover Mall of America but someday...