I know it seem silly to print these pictures, but REALLY, these "change of seasons" are a big part of my life. It is fun to get a "new" wardrobe after wearing the same things for months. The best part is seeing the clothes that my big kids used to wear now being worn by my little kids.
Also this "change" is a symbol of why my life seems a little crazy. 1st you have to make sure all the winter clothes are clean and won't be needed again. (like after our first false-start of spring a few weeks ago) 2nd you need to decide what to keep for next year, pass on to a sibling, go to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift store or throw away - THAT'S a lot of decisions for each item of clothing. 3rd you need to go through all the new season's clothes and make the same types of decisions (although hopefully good decisions were made the previous season) Then start at #1 again for kid number 2, kid number 3, kid number 4 and myself. You get the idea why this is a bigger job than it seems. The girls and I got through most of their spring/summer clothes while the boys were at church this am. (Carolyn sang in the choir last night while Joel had baseball practice.) It is especially fun to go through Anna's clothes with Carolyn, because she talks about her memories with many of the clothes or about who gave her certain special items.

N.C. - do you recognize that cute green dress on the top of Anna's pile?
You are ahead of the game, Betsy. I seem to be several weeks into the season before I remember to go through clothes. Or I remember right after a shopping trip where I didn't get things we need and bought things we didn't need!!