Red Rock Wildlife Exhibit
We are trying to keep busy this summer. First of all, it leads to a lot of fun. Secondly (and probably more truthfully) the kids are nicer to each other in public!

In addition to many outings to the pool and other fun places, it has been nice to have time for puzzle marathons and hours for Legos, Imaginext building, game playing (Clue and Checkers are big favorites this summer) and reading.

We have built MANY Duplo pyramids. Initially we built a solid pyramid, but Matthew threw out the challenge to make a larger pyramid by leaving it somewhat hollow! We did it, but let's just say that you can't build a hollow pyramid on carpet - tile is a must! It was great to work as a team to get the job done.

Anna received a Slip-and-Slide for her birthday and I have never seen kids so happy to have their sister receive a gift before :)

We have had many baby bird sightings and it has been so sweet. The kids were worried that they needed to feed the bird and were trying to find him seeds and worms. I finally convinced them to just leave the little thing alone. (He wasn't a new baby, so he could take care of himself, plus the mom and dad were near.)
All in all we are having a great summer. Things "heat up" a bit next week, when Matthew goes to Scout camp, Carolyn and Joel will do SKIPS (summer kids in the park) and I will start working at the Audiology clinic at Boys Town Hospital in Omaha. I will be gone 2 days a week for 5 weeks - so say a prayer! Ken's folks are coming twice and our sitters will help, but mostly Ken will just use some vacation time and have some quality time with the kids. (perhaps he needs the most prayer :) I am nervous to venture back into clinical audiology, but am just taking the step despite my worries!
Good to see what you are up to. Many prayers for a good transition to a busier time of summer and Omaha trips.