Here is Anna with her Nativity Scene. She received new pieces from her Godfather, my brother Steve.

Carolyn and Joel sang in the choir Christmas Eve. It was lovely. Carolyn was chosen to cantor with 2 other girls for the first half of the Mass (the older kids take turns throughout the year). You would have thought she had won the lottery! I love when they come home from choir and sing together.

In my family, the grandkids all gather on the stairs for a traditional picture before going down to the Christmas tree....just trying to explain why this picture was taken on the stairs. It is a tad more impressive with 14 kids, but I love this shot! (the kids are holding ping-pong paddles to match the table they received for Christmas - which then was returned because it was defective and replaced with a nicer one)

After the kids opened and gave their gifts, we played and packed up the car to go visit Grandma and Grandpa (my side - Ken's folks are in Texas). We had a lovely afternoon at my folks and a wonderful dinner at my brother's house. The next morning we were delighted that our "close in age" cousins came to Grandma and Grandpa's house too. We headed home in the afternoon, pausing briefly for dinner at Wendy's restaurant midway during the drive. Nice dinner, bad ending - I took Anna to the bathroom and left my purse under my chair and then left the restaurant. I remembered it the next day, so Ken took the kids an hour back toward Burlington and picked it up for me while I finished up some of my work for Boys Town! All's well that ends well, thank goodness for a nice husband!
Merry Christmas, Betsy. I love the photo tradition on the stairs. Some day it's going to be really neat to see them all lined up.
ReplyDeleteThe nativity is beautiful and so are all of those sweet faces.