Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This and that of the summer

We had a professional photo session this summer. I now take everyone's photo at one time and love the Target studio in Ankeny. I get individuals of everyone, everyone together, boys together and girls together - LOVED LOVED LOVED the results....Here is an "after" photo, in our backyard, since I had everyone matchy-matchy. I can't show you the best photo - since that will be my Christmas card photo and I don't want to spoil the surprise. This is the "can we do a funny one now mom" picture.
We had vacation Bible school early in the summer. Ken's folks were here on day one - I love the multi-generational photo!
Tomorrow we are having our first annual "McCleary Popsicle Party". We invited friends from church (Faith and Friendship (aka Mother to Mother in some parts of the world)), and the kid's buddies from school and the neighborhood. My current count is around 40 popsicle eaters. This is really an easy party - we bought a bunch of popsicles and ice-cream sandwiches and invited everyone to join us at a nearby park that isn't busy (often when we go there we are the only ones there, or just a couple kids). Strangers already at the park will be offered popsicles too. We are bringing a kickball and bases for my kid's favorite game, a race around the park (wagon ride for the younger kids), chalk for art work, basketballs and soccer balls....and of course the playground for fun. I love this idea because we wanted to have a little get together, but who to invite and how can I possibly get my house clean in on Tuesday we decided to do it, bought the treats, walked around to pass out invitations in the neighborhood and sent an email to Faith and Friendship.....tah dah - easy peasy party - hopefully this will be an annual event. I figure kids are pretty to easy to please....playground, sports, art and cold treats.


  1. Maria- if you are reading this, tell me how to stop my sentences from all running together above.....I even tried putting two lines between the paragraphs. You must know the secret to the new blogger settings that escapes me.

  2. I am reading it but I am not sure of the answer... I just use hard returns? I am still impressed (but not surprised) at your energy and initiative for planning the event. :). I remember when u had a back to school party for little kids at your house when the big kids went back.... I am thinking when Briddget and Joel were like 3?

  3. You never cease to amaze me with your energy Betsy. What a fun idea! Hope you are all doing well. The kids are back in school here next Wednesday so we are enjoying the last few days of summer here.

  4. Your multi-generational photos are wonderful. Hats off to you for planning a great party. It's simple, fun, affordable and low maintenance.

  5. I can hardly wait to see your Christmas photo - hoping we are still on the list!!
