Saturday, March 28, 2020


I woke up at 5:47 to make sure Carolyn got off to work at HyVee.  I sat with her while she had breakfast and off she went to make the essential coffee.  (She is at the Starbucks in the store, despite the fact that all the other Starbucks in town have closed.)  That said, she in a  big glass cage and safer than she would be as a checker.  I think they would expect her to return to checking if they closed Starbucks, so I am fine that they stay open...I guess.

Hy-Vee - Your employee-owned grocery store     +   Starbucks - Wikipedia

Here are some funny changes to Classic literature that are changed for Covid19.

I think it would be better if they were from books that I had more recently.  I have read a handful off these lists, but LONG LONG ago. 


I learned 2 new stitches FPDC and BPDC...which if you read how to do them, seems hard, but if you watch at video...easy peasy.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... our Starbucks stores are open (drive-thru) only, but when Stu was in Target, he said the Starbucks-in-Target was closed.
