Saturday, November 21, 2020

My newest purchase....After my kids stopped being toddlers, I haven't had much call for a fancy thermometer.  But now we are supposed to take our own temps each morning before work and I didn't want to keep sticking a thermometer in my mouth!  (ironically...germy.....haha!)  This lovely creation was pretty cheap on Amazon.
It started telling temps in Celsius, but I thought, "certainly I can figure this out".  I almost gave in and called Joel, but I stuck to it and converted it to Fahrenheit.  (lucky for Joel, or else he might not be able to ever leave for college)

Trying to stay out of the stores somewhat, so I ordered Joel and Anna new jeans from Kohls and Anna's pair came with the security tag guess where we get to go...into the store we were trying to avoid!  

It is really crazy right now.  I have a nephew, (niece, nephew-in-law and great nephew) and my sister in law's parents all with the disease.  The nephew listed first is asymptomatic and had to test because someone on his sports team tested positive, but the group in ( ) are all related and have symptoms, courtesy of day care.  My in law's parents live in a nursing home.  This was all predicted yet our governor only recently started adding more mitigation as the hospitals begin to be over-run. 

I was doing the report for a 20 month old on Friday and came across a telephone note indicating that mom called the doctor on November 11th after the child was exposed to Covid at daycare and they were told to quarantine for 14 days.....yesterday was the 20th....thanks a bunch.  Also the family had to lie to the secretary to get in the door, "has anyone in your family come in contact with anyone with Covid 19 in the last month" and they said "no".  I fell pretty safe, we don't have N95, but we have very thick multilayer masks at work.  Shortly after I saw this child, it was announced that we have to double up again with masks and face shields.  Some people were fussy about it, but I wish I had a facemask on when I saw the snotty nosed little boy!!!

Please pray for everyone affected by this disease.  (Ok, M. and J. did I use the right word (effect vs affect?)  


1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I'm the J you're talking about... but I think it should be affected. :)
