Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
SPRING BREAK - Minneapolis Style

The kids and I joined Ken in Minneapolis for 3 days of Spring Break. He went off to work and we played. He used some of of the points he accumulated from all his travels and we stayed at Embassy Suites. Let's just say - that is good living - .....made to order breakfast, someone else making the beds (such that a coin could bounce!), a swimming pool (actually met a family that goes to our church in Ankeny and to the school the kids will attend next year), evening snacks/drinks and nights with the hubby.
I think the entire family most enjoyed our trip to Mall of America! My favorite part was that we were joined by my grad. school buddy B. He actually came to Bloomington over his lunch hour so that he could go with us to the mall. B. and his wife were the grad school friends who hosted Ken for four months before our marriage. (see previous post - sorry no hyper link - someday :) This is an indicator of what a great people they are, but it goes way beyond that. B. was so sweet and kind with the kids and it was like 16 years hadn't passed since we had seen each other!
I Love Them / I HATE Them

Ok, so you are probably following the "LOVE THEM" part of the Blog title. Well.....here is why I HATE them.....they get EVERYWHERE. Like I mentioned in an earlier blog today, we sorted all the toys this weekend and did a major "pick-up" - in closets, drawers etc. Lego's were in every room in the house - even the "master" bath. The kids often use this when the other facilities are taken and I guess they brought a toy when the came in and forgot it when they left.
I guess I love them more than hate them.....but occasionally do put all things Lego on a shelf for a few weeks. When we get them down the kids act like they have a brand new toy and I have had a much needed break from bitty parts.
New house - assistance need
I tried to copy a picture off the web of my new house and paste it here - but blogger won't let me. I also tried to save it as a word doc and post that here - again no luck. Any ideas? If not you will have to wait until I get over to the house with my own camera. I don't really want to post a hyperlink to a realtor website - that's a bit too much information. (Haven't really perfected the hyper-link skill anyway.)
THANKS SUZANNE! You're advice was just what I needed!
THANKS SUZANNE! You're advice was just what I needed!
Ankeny Iowa - Traditions Apartment - late December 2008 to late April 2009

Blog Blitz
I am going to post 5 posts back-to-back, because I have a feeling it will be a LONG time before I have time to post again. We will be leaving to Indiana in a few days and I have a goal to leave the apartment clean as a whistle - or at least a whole lot cleaner than it has been lately! We did a great job sorting and boxing up toys. (I don't want to move boxes of miscellaneous toys to the house! They just aren't fun to play with when they are all mixed up.) I also sorted through the masses of paper that have accumulated, with coming to a new state, new school, new insurance, selling a house, buying a house, taxes....you get the picture.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
At least I am trying - funny thoughts......
Ken and I discussed last night that our living space is like painting the Brooklyn Bridge, by the time you finish one end, you need to start at the beginning again. Yesterday I made a concerted effort to get cleaning done but you couldn't tell it by looking!
At JCPenny today I picked up my photos. I had my order confirmation sheet in my hand and was going to throw it away on the spot - to make Maria proud. (If you don't know Maria, you should, but re: this post she is very neat.) I actually put the paper in the trash can when the lady at Pennys said, "oh no, you need to keep this in case you are going to reorder or do Smiles by Wire". Ok - I knew I wasn't going to reorder and I already downloaded all my pictures to my computer off of Smiles by Wire. Still I took the stupid paper back and away I went. (I never want to be rude - I guess, but how crazy is that!)
At JCPenny today I picked up my photos. I had my order confirmation sheet in my hand and was going to throw it away on the spot - to make Maria proud. (If you don't know Maria, you should, but re: this post she is very neat.) I actually put the paper in the trash can when the lady at Pennys said, "oh no, you need to keep this in case you are going to reorder or do Smiles by Wire". Ok - I knew I wasn't going to reorder and I already downloaded all my pictures to my computer off of Smiles by Wire. Still I took the stupid paper back and away I went. (I never want to be rude - I guess, but how crazy is that!)
Monday, March 23, 2009
We bought a house
I don't want to go out of order, so you will have to wait until I post our apt. picture before you can see the new home. It was a rough negotiation (they didn't come down at all after out 2nd offer). Our real estate agent suggested we make a FINAL offer and they accepted. We are excited because it has what we were looking for - on a cul de sac, finished (mostly) basement and an office. We also are 3 blocks from the kid's new (next year) school. The house is smaller than our Newburgh home and the lot is too, but I love the location and unfortunately houses cost more here!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Portrait session - March 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009
These are a few of our favorite things
It is good to remember what you love! This weekend I asked our family about their favorite things. Since pictures of my family are my favorite thing, we took pictures to go along with the fun!
This is me with one of our many scrapbooks. With the move, I have gotten behind in getting the pictures put in, but setting up a scrapbook session in my basement is one of the first things I plan to do after getting the essentials of the house unpacked. (picture taken by Matthew :)
Here is Ken (ok - I am here too, but I really liked this picture and just "found" it on a disk Ken's friend made for us), His first favorite (family) was disqualified because we aren’t including people in our choices. Therefore he chose Hawkeye sports to be his favorite thing.
Matthew chose Webkins (he also listed Mom and Dad 1st on his list – again disqualified, but appreciated). I thought he would go with the DS game, but no - Webkins was the big winner throughout the family (see below). Note that Matthew needed his picture to demonstrate the Webkins website to show off the games he can play.
Carolyn chose her “Whitefluffy” Webkins as her favorite thing, but decided to add all her stuffed animals to the picture, since the boys were showing off all their Webkins, and alas she has only one Webkin. This is because she chose a Build-A-Puppy for her birthday and Beanie Baby at Christmas time. She is already planning her next Webkins purchase, feeling very deprived with just one Webkins (clearly not deprived in the stuffed animal department). My favorite thing about Whitefluffy is that Matthew bought it for Carolyn when he received money for his First Communion and was purchasing his own first Webkin. I love when the kids are nice to each other without prompting (ok – even with prompting – I love it). Carolyn shared this picture with Anna, who always loves to climb into a good picture.

I asked Joel if his newest Webkins, “Groundy”, was his favorite thing and he said “Groundy and Carolyn”. (Again, Carolyn was disqualified – but the answer warmed my heart.) I have 2 shots of Joel – one because we tried to get an action shot, and the 2nd because in the action shot “Groudy” had flown out of the picture. I like the 2nd shot because it shows Joel straightening his animal’s whiskers for the picture – cute!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Newburgh Indiana, May 2003 - March 2009
Re: the house itself....I will miss the gigantic backyard and the fact that we lived in an area where the brickyards made an all brick house affordable to us. You will see in a future entry that brick houses are WAY out of our price range in a state where brickyards aren't so prevalent! You can't have everything, but if I could pick up and bring this house with me to Ankeny, I would in a heartbeat! (of course in this magical world I would place it on top of a basement and change the tile color (see below) and add sidewalks - (it's a magical world remember?) In that case, I would put it on a cul de sac!

I wish I could somehow live like this without cleaning 2 hours every night after the kids went to bed.
We are re-looking at a couple of houses on Saturday, so we may have our new home entry shortly.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Noblesville (Indianapolis area) Indiana Jan. 2001-May 2003

Monday, March 9, 2009
Our first home, in Omaha Nebraska Aug 1994-Jan 2001

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Elijah of Buxton

This book is about a boy growing up as the first child born free in Buxton Canada to escaped or freed slaves. I recommend it for your kiddos if they are old enough now, or just tuck it away in your memory banks. (There is some serious subject matter, so I would say 4th grade.) Boys might like it better than girls, but I loved it.
BTW If Matthew was recommending books, he would say the Percy and the Olympiad series or 39 Clues, but he liked this book as well. If you have good book recommendations for any of my kiddos, pass them on.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
BALANCE part 2

· the needs of their family (self, spouse, children and the group as a whole,
occasionally: parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces, nephews)
· the needs of the community (helping at church, a child’s school, coaching a team etc.)
· the need to eat healthy and exercise vs. finding the time and money to do both – and even
· the needs of the community (helping at church, a child’s school, coaching a team etc.)
· the need to eat healthy and exercise vs. finding the time and money to do both – and even
if you have the time and the money – chances are in the dead of winter you will have a sick
kid that will make it impossible to exercise sometimes, even with good intentions.
· the need to keep organized and tidy vs. playing with your kids vs. doing something you like
· the need to keep organized and tidy vs. playing with your kids vs. doing something you like
to do
· striving for goals vs. being realistic when some goals aren’t obtained vs. getting upset when
· striving for goals vs. being realistic when some goals aren’t obtained vs. getting upset when
you don’t reach a goal and then being crabby about it
· saving vs. spending
· work vs. play
· saving vs. spending
· work vs. play
Do you see my point? I need some advice – how do you stay balanced in life? How do you stay motivated, without getting upset when goals aren’t met? How do you have fun while accomplishing everything (sometimes anything) you want to do? What do you do when your children are glued to your hip making it impossible to accomplish much of anything at all?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Home away from home 1993-2000

My first job involved 2 things. #1 The Cochlear Implant team - identifying if patients were candidates, programming speech processors and providing aural rehab (fancy words for speech and hearing therapy for people with hearing loss). #2 Research Associate (sounds better than assistant). I did (still do) work studying the speech/language of people w/ hearing loss and their normal hearing control subjects. I definitely felt that the Cochlear Implant team was the best part of my job at first, but by the time I left B.T., I enjoyed my research collegues much more and I was able to take my research job with me to Indiana. I have been contracting with B.T. ever since then, first with Dr. Maureen Higgins - who has since died of Hodgkins disease. She was a wonderful mentor and support and will always be missed by me. Luckily, she talked Dr. Mary Pat Moeller into hiring me once her grant ended (a year after her death). I continue to work for Mary Pat and now also do some work for Nick Smith, whom I have never met. He sometimes jokes that I was contracted by Mary Pat from India (rather than Indiana) and says I have very little accent. I guess now that I live so close, we will meet. Soon I will be working with the University of Iowa as well, because Mary Pat is collaborating with them on a grant!
Omaha, NE

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