This is our temporary home for a little four months. The best thing about the apartment was that it allowed us to live together as a family for four months that we would have otherwise been separated. Sorry for the cruddy picture - I took it when I knew we were close to buying a house and wanted to get it posted. We actually live on the other end of the building, but the garages make it tough to get a good picture. Living in the apartment wasn't as bad as you might imagine, since we had 3 bedrooms and a garage. We lived on the 3rd floor and it was pretty quiet - except for us, of course. Going up the stairs was my main form of exercise. There is a neat exercise room, but I got creeped out when I was over there by myself after dark once (big guy came in - I quickly departed - enough said)!
Things sure did work out for you in the transfer from Indiana to Iowa. But then, the plan was in God's hands the whole time.