This picture was supposed to be part of the Omaha post, but I kept crashing my "blog dashboard". Anyway....we never lived here, but it was definately a second home. My first professional job, and except for a couple of private-practice patients, my only post-graduate job has been working for BTNRH - Boys Town National Research Hospital. It doesn't look like this anymore....or at least this isn't the view on the website. (My friend C* provided this picture for me as well as the apt. shot below when I left for Indiana.)
My first job involved 2 things. #1 The Cochlear Implant team - identifying if patients were candidates, programming speech processors and providing aural rehab (fancy words for speech and hearing therapy for people with hearing loss). #2 Research Associate (sounds better than assistant). I did (still do) work studying the speech/language of people w/ hearing loss and their normal hearing control subjects. I definitely felt that the Cochlear Implant team was the best part of my job at first, but by the time I left B.T., I enjoyed my research collegues much more and I was able to take my research job with me to Indiana. I have been contracting with B.T. ever since then, first with Dr. Maureen Higgins - who has since died of Hodgkins disease. She was a wonderful mentor and support and will always be missed by me. Luckily, she talked Dr. Mary Pat Moeller into hiring me once her grant ended (a year after her death). I continue to work for Mary Pat and now also do some work for Nick Smith, whom I have never met. He sometimes jokes that I was contracted by Mary Pat from India (rather than Indiana) and says I have very little accent. I guess now that I live so close, we will meet. Soon I will be working with the University of Iowa as well, because Mary Pat is collaborating with them on a grant!
I miss you, Betsy!