Ok – I wanted to have a funny title to jump out and grab you, but stay with me. There are many references in the Bible to people who DO or DO NOT thank God for all they have been given. I want to be like the leper that went back to praise Jesus after being cleansed or the blind man who gave praise for his sight.
Upon leaving Newburgh, it seems like a good time to think of all the blessings we received during our time there. There won’t be a particular order, but today’s entries would be right on top if I was doing a TOP 10!
One good thing about leaving a town is that you never have to worry about “growing apart”, if you don’t keep in touch – you can just blame the move! I hope to never forget the joys we had in Newburgh, especially all the great friendships we developed.

Maria was a great support when I was in Newburgh – her three children matched up in age to my three youngest, so we had a lot to talk about and sometimes commiserate over. Maria has helped me survive the transition to Iowa by keeping me posted about the new babies and happenings re: our shared friends. She writes a hysterical blog that makes me laugh, even when Ken is away for the night and her correspondence is the only adult contact I have had all day! We have a lot of similarities, except she is much neater – not sure that will rub off 750 miles away, because it didn’t seem to rub off when we were across town (unless you count when my home was “show ready”).

The Usual Suspects – It was wonderful to have a set of friends who regularly gathered at each others homes to share laughs, meals, Euchre and of course Bud Light. (ok , I didn’t drink any Bud light, since I don’t drink beer, buy I had to support the local distributor (who is one of the usual suspects below)!) Anyway I think this was the first time Ken and I had a group of friends, who were couples that we got together with often, where we knew both people in the relationship. Rather than “my friends” or “his friends”, they were “OUR friends”. It was great to have people who cared enough about you to get to know your husband and kids as well as introduce you to theirs! It was nice to get a call that said, “What are you doing Saturday?”

M.F. asked us over to dinner the Thursday we were packing up our house. It was a welcomed invite that was made even more wonderful when the rest of the Usual Suspects showed up to join us (except for the local distributor, who was working that night). It was a school night/work night so we were really touched that everyone made it out to see us.