The M. family was a fantastic addition to the Newburgh community. Miss T. was the only person who ever babysat my kids so I could work. I always felt comfortable when the kids were there, knowing she cared for them a great deal. Her daughters often pitched in as needed and the kids loved them too. Her hubby always had a smile and was a great help getting our apartment's necessities on the UHaul, so we could join Ken for the past 4 months.

K. always had a word of support and an appropriate CD to listen to! It was wonderful to share KinderKountry, Mother to Mother and even girls softball events with her and her family.

Miss D.B. was my Daisy scout buddy and my fellow-new mom. Her little guy and Anna were keeping us up at nights in 2007, so there was alot to share. Her hubby P. was friendly from day one - nice guy!

H. is a role model for living Green and living in God's love.
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