Today I decided to pack up the family computer (not my work computer). I went to our storage closet, which is just outside of our apartment, across the deck. Unfortunately when I opened it up I smelled gas. Of course I did, there were our gas tanks for our lawn mower, that the movers wouldn't ship. I would like to blame my husband - why aren't they in our apartment garage? However, I knew the gas tanks were in there, so can't blame him - I still put 2 bags of clothes in the closet 3 1/2 months ago. (things Carolyn had outgrown or been given by a cousin to grow into since we left Newburgh in December) Also in there was Anna's birthday quilt from her auntie and 2 dry clean only coats.
I hate laundry and now I have 3 more loads. I am hoping to just air our the coats! The only thing that gave me any comfort was sharing my pain.....so here I am blogging it. (Joel doesn't have school today and Anna is sick, so we are staying in, so there was no one else to tell. Plus I probably wouldn't whine to the preschool crowd anyway.)
Hang in there!! Just a couple weeks when you'll be back to settled!!!!