I know you Newburgh-tonians are saying, "there is nothing better than the Mother to Mother Consignment sale". I will agree that I LOVED this sale. I bought my kids many "gently used" items that stretched my clothing budget in a big way. For the uninformed, this was a sale that my mother's group in Indiana put on twice a year. It was a service to the buyers (like me) and the sellers (who made 70% of the profit) and the group (who netted 30% of the profit, plus $1 at the door from each shopper). It was one of the THINGS I missed about Newburgh. Of course I didn't miss it as much as all the people of Newburgh. They aren't so easily replaced!
Anyway, earlier this summer, my cousin's wife (aka the kid's piano teacher), gave us 3 winter coats, 2 skirts for Carolyn and about 20 dresses for Anna. (She has one on below and a different one in the "Summer's Cooking" entry. Of course neither picture does the dresses justice, but she is sleeping now and you can all understand that blogging can only be done during certain time-windows.) Wasn't that sweet? These clothes were worn by my 1st cousins-twice-removed (if I have that right....basically my cousin's grandchildren). They live in town too, so we got to see them bring up the gifts today at Mass. Last week we also got some great yellow boots for Anna and some blue-jeans for Joel!
When Anna got all her new dresses, Carolyn was very excited by her new coats and skirts but was sure wishing some of the larger dresses would fit her....but they didn't......
FAST FORWARD to last week.
We received a box in the mail from my good friend N.C. who has a daughter who is 2 years older than Matthew. Anyway this box was filled with clothes for Carolyn. We got the box out today because we finally had a bit of free time and it was time for a fashion show. One thing was cuter than the next.
This will be Carolyn's Christmas dress in 2010. There was another beautiful dress, but figured I would give you the much abbreviated fashion show. (of course Carolyn posed for pictures of each and made the comment to me...."Mom, we have a big thank you note to write". Isn't that true!)

Here is Anna in one of her cutie dresses. There are dresses up to six 6X in my stash now! This is perfect, because I didn't start keeping Carolyn's clothes for Anna until I realized that there was going to be an Anna! So I don't have anything saved for the next couple years.

Here is Carolyn in one of the many sweaters, all beautiful,many with tags. Again - it is wonderful because there are clothes for now and clothes to grow into. Note to N.C. ..... Carolyn was gaga over the clothes. She commented about the dress above. "It has a ruby button, and it's real I think". She loved absolutely everything and was like a baby-fasionista in a clothing store. (Just this summer, she has really started getting interesting in looking at clothes and things in the stores and wants to wear scarves and denim vests....the box came at the perfect time in her world. Plus since they were J's, she would think a rag was gorgeous, but of course everything was in perfect condition!)

Thank you to all our generous friends. My kids look wonderful and my budget has you to thank!
Surely you mean "Just as Good As". . .not "better" ?!?!?! :)
ReplyDeleteJust reading the title of this entry I thought, "there's no such thing :)" but yes this beats it for sure.
ReplyDeleteHand-Me-Overs from good friends are the best, says she who is chairing the upcoming M2M Consignment sale scheduled for September 26th, in case you or any of your readers will be in Newburgh that day.
ReplyDeleteI remember one time as a child, an aunt by marriage sent me a box of clothes she was no longer going to wear. She was a teacher and she had some of the cutest clothes. I was just thrilled to have them - even the ones that didn't fit. I feel like I can relate to how Carolyn is feeling about her new wardrobe! How fun!