Our "big" summer trip was to King's Pointe in Storm Lake Iowa with our friends the S*. The lake was beautiful and it was nice to get away.

Here are the kids, (minus one S* who ran ahead with his daddy).

If you are going to flip while I am taking pictures, you know it is going to end up on the blog!

Anna loved going down the slide! It was funny, because everytime we got to the top, she got fussy - like she forgot that I would go down with her! Let's just say it is hard to get a picture of someone going down a slide. Luckily Anna was willing to go down again, and again and again!

Yes this is Iowa (but the entire drive to Storm Lake was surrounded by corn field, complete with sitings of 3 crop dusters)!

They were missing a lily pad at the end, luckily Joel is an expert at the monkey bars!

Carolyn has gotten arms of steel this summer with all her swinging across the bars (and in this case - the ropes)!

Matthew - on top of the world!
What a fun vacation and fantastic pictures. Not only did I get to see your whole clan, I got to see you in action!