Summer has improved dramatically since the beginning of summer, especially the last few days. For the record my favorite thing about summer is when I see my kids playing nicely together. My least favorite thing is when I hear them not playing nicely together.
RE: the basement. Everyone pitched in for another hour this afternoon and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. (On Friday I was about to pull out my hair.) Almost every toy has been taken out of the storage room and sorted (down to the last little lego). Additionally almost all the toys have been removed from the kid's rooms to sort as well. There are no toys on the main level as they have been taken downstairs for sorting too. If I gathered all the toys off the floor now, there would just be a small box of odds and ends - tomorrow's project! You can actually walk through the storage room once again, there are 5 empty totes and a trunk full of "stuff" to go to the St. Vincent de Paul truck. Yes I am doing a happy dance in my head. Perhaps the toys will be done tomorrow, leaving a bit of work with the "craft" stuff and school supplies....then my favorite - SCRAPBOOKING! My scrapbooking table is complete disorganized, but I have a plan, but that is for another day.
I am SO jealous. I just returned from my sister's house. Her daughter has wonderful toys and a much smaller amount of them. I am embarrassed at how many we have. I want to reduce and organize too. I'm hoping that I can motivate the kids to look at them with fresh eyes since the consignment sale is just a few weeks away. Congrats to you for your tidy space.