Remember my "before and after" post? Well here is a shot of Matthew a week later. His bottom tooth came out (with a bit of help from him). (BTW, Matthew is doing a science experiment with his tooth, so the tooth fairy got off easy. I guess that's what happens when you are over 10 and a science-maniac.)
Also note the cute hair-cut. Matthew grew his hair out all summer, but I made it clear he wasn't going to school scraggly! He has bed-head 24/7 when his hair is long and just doesn't have time each morning to get a shower and do his hair during the school year. I offered him a deal - $5 toward his "camp-account" if he let ME cut it(he is earning money to go to scout camp next year) or $5 toward a hair-cut at the salon. (The hair-cut wasn't optional.) To date he has only had about 3 hair-cuts at the salon, but I thought that maybe another "mom-cut" was why he didn't want his hair cut. He chose the mom-cut though. Since he has 2 weeks until school he wanted it to look "like he didn't need a hair-cut, but not short". I cut a little bit and then given his thumbs up I shortened the sides and back a bit. Next time (since he won't have 2 weeks to wait) we will use the 7/8 comb instead of the 1/2...(note to self)
Of course I think he looks extremely handsome with his new cut. I told him we should be thankful that I have had 11 years of practice cutting hair, because now he actually cares how he looks. (I will try to find a picture after his first hair-cut by mom - that is an entry all by itself!)
I did Ben's when he was 3 ish and Stu told me to never do it again. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of science experiment with the tooth!? :)
I am not allowed near my sons' heads with clippers or scissors but I do a great job knitting while the barber lowers their ears.