Despite having posted September's VQB, I neglected August. This is rather funny, because I am Miss August for the VQB, which means I sent out the fabric and received back many blocks. I think I finished my September block before I finished my August block, which may explain my mixed up order. I also was waiting to see if any more blocks trickled it. The pictures don't really do the beautiful blocks justice. I am only posting 5 blocks, despite having photographed 8. Something went wrong during the download of the last 3 and I know I won't post anything tonight if I have to hunt up the camera (Ken had it last) and down-load the photos. Also, I just received another block a couple days ago that hasn't been photographed yet (from SS's sweet niece). Plus I received an email that another block is en route from Oregon! Since there has to be a part 2 (and maybe a part 3 if the final block arrives), I decided to go ahead with this post.
I have really missed blogging, but have been spread a bit thin by fall sports and activities. This will start to settle down in a couple of weeks!!!

This of course reminds me that I never photographed Joel or Carolyn's quilts! Perhaps that will be my next post.
Yay! Thank you for posting your blocks! I can't wait to see your finish quilt top. xo