Here is Anna, pretending it is Halloween (on the actual day, her clothes actually matched her costume - one that she received from her Godmother Aunt Sue!). The camera was forgotten that night, but you were able to see Carolyn's costume and a taste of Joel's on a
different post. Joel had reddish-hair for trick-or-treating....which is only appropriate for a Weasley! (He was Ron Weasley from Harry Potter and all the Weasleys have red hair!) I never actually saw Joel in his full costume because I joined Matthew and the church youth ministry "trick-or-treating for canned goods". The group filled 6-7 grocery carts with cans and boxes!!!

Maybe next year I will take a picture of ME in my Halloween costume. (I was named Juliet by one of the girls in my group....how is that for a teaser!)
Now that is just mean! Telling me you were in costume but no picture for me! :)