Just a few snapshots from our Christmas fun. Below Anna is with cousin Lauren, who crafted with her for hours on end, making those lovely beadish decorations. (you know the kind where you melt the final product with an iron).
It was so great to see my folks again. I kept saying a prayer that my mom wouldn't get Matthew's stomach bug as she was a supreme helper that night. I think she avoided that bug, but perhaps not one of others brought home by one of the 20 + people. rats!Joel has been looking forward to getting this guitar for months. It is all tuned up and ready to go. Thanks grandmas and grandpas!
I love watching the kids share their gifts with each other. Matthew bought Carolyn this lovely bracelet at church when they had a craft fair selling items from Africa and Israel. (This one is from Africa, I think....Carolyn bought me a beautiful bracelet as well.)
Love this shot, wish Matthew was in it...it might have been my Christmas photo for NEXT year!
The Saturday after Christmas, we met Ken's best buddy and his family. The kiddos in the front of this photo are his kids, Matthew right behind. We went ice-skating and it was a blast!
Here is Anna - her first time on ice. She did the best once she decided she wanted to "skate in the middle" and therefore away from the wall. I didn't think she would ever want to leave after that!
We were in Burlington the weekend before Christmas. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Mary or Steve and their families, but everyone else crossed paths for a bit!
We are planning a quiet New Years Eve here at home, but the kids are having a little party on Wednesday to celebrate the last day of Christmas break. (wish me luck)