Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Joy

Just a few snapshots from our Christmas fun.  Below Anna is with cousin Lauren, who crafted with her for hours on end, making those lovely beadish decorations.  (you know the kind where you melt the final product with an iron).
 It was so great to see my folks again.  I kept saying a prayer that my mom wouldn't get Matthew's stomach bug as she was a supreme helper that night.  I think she avoided that bug, but perhaps not one of others brought home by one of the 20 + people.  rats!
 Joel has been looking forward to getting this guitar for months.  It is all tuned up and ready to go.  Thanks grandmas and grandpas!
 I love watching the kids share their gifts with each other.  Matthew bought Carolyn this lovely bracelet at church when they had a craft fair selling items from Africa and Israel.  (This one is from Africa, I think....Carolyn bought me a beautiful bracelet as well.)
 Love this shot, wish Matthew was in might have been my Christmas photo for NEXT year!
 The Saturday after Christmas, we met Ken's best buddy and his family.  The kiddos in the front of this photo are his kids, Matthew right behind.  We went ice-skating and it was a blast!
 Here is Anna - her first time on ice.  She did the best once she decided she wanted to "skate in the middle" and therefore away from the wall.  I didn't think she would ever want to leave after that!
 We were in Burlington the weekend before Christmas.  Unfortunately we didn't get to see Mary or Steve and their families, but everyone else crossed paths for a bit!
We are planning a quiet New Years Eve here at home, but the kids are having a little party on Wednesday to celebrate the last day of Christmas break.  (wish me luck)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Joel's Birthday

Ok - I know Joel was not born in November, but somehow I did not post any pictures from his special day. Above you can see Joel in his special Incredible Pizza hat!  He took a few friends to celebrate with him.  We had a great pizza buffet and then played games and did rides after.  A good time was had by all!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween in review

Clearly no family theme this year!
Matthew was "Mine-craft guy".  He made the costume himself.  He did a great job, Google "Mine-craft guy" and he looks just like this.  (Mind-craft is a computer game that has low pixels I guess, that's why Mine-craft guy looks so boxy.)  If you want a better explanation you will have to ask a teen-ager.

Matthew went trick or treating for canned goods with the Youth Ministry again.  Carolyn can't wait to join him next year when she ages out of "normal" trick-or-treating.

 Anna clearly is a sailor.  We found the costume last year when shopping the day after Halloween!  She won runner up at the YMCA Halloween party.
 Joel is a race car driver.  He wanted to be something scary, but I told him we don't do scary at our house.  He seemed to really like this costume, thank goodness, since we really only started thinking about it a couple days before Halloween and I had this stored away from last year or the year before when I bought it after Halloween at a deep discount :-)    See a pattern?  Spoiler alert - next year he will be a Ninja that I got after Halloween this year.  I decided being a Ninja isn't too scary :0)
 Carolyn changed her mind about 5 times re: her Halloween costume.  In the end she decided to wear the dress I wore last year to help with Trick-or-treat for canned goods (with the Youth Ministry at church).  She was another runner up at the YMCA party.  You might think everyone was a runner-up, but there were only 3 girls - 2 just happened to have my last name :0)  When I wore this, I thought it "Juliet"-ish.  I am not sure what Carolyn called herself.  Will have to ask when she returns from basketball practice.  (Guess what - we got this costume 90% off a few years ago - I know you are shocked!)
Although I couldn't help with the Youth Ministry this year (I had class), I did dress up to go to get frozen Yogurt at Cherry Berry and to walk around the block with the kids.  I am holding the Halloween book we left outside full of candy while we were gone trick or treating.

Climbing Camp-out

Matthew went on a climbing camp-out a few weeks ago and had a great time.  (and came home completely exhausted - both from climbing and lack of sleep)
If I ever thought my camera took good pictures, I realized it was untrue when I saw these great photos.  They were taken by a parent in his troop who takes hundreds a pictures at every event.  He has a GREAT camera and I love the shots he took at this event.  I normally don't do an entire scrapbook page on one event, but might have to for this one.  (and for Maria......I mean theoretically because I haven't scrapbooked since I started school.)

Soccer Season

Soccer season is over. I think everyone had a great season and all will return next year.  They will be joined by Anna who for the first time clearly realized that "everyone else is playing but me".  I should have signed her up, but she will be joining the ranks of participation with Swimming lessons next week and basketball in January!
 Carolyn played on a team with 5th -7th grade girls.  That is quite a range of ages (and sizes), but it worked out ok!
Joel played with 3rd and 4th grade boys and several had quite a bit of experience.  Quite a change from last year when he was the only 2nd grader on a 1st and 2nd grade team and the only kid who had played before!  It was fun this year, because a boy from my religious education class was on Joel's team, so it was fun to cheer on another player I knew well.

Matthew has been on the same team since we moved here. His coach is great and during one of the first games he scored his first goal in a couple of years.  It was awesome!  Last year they were the "young" team in the league and this year they were better placed with some older boys on their team and more equally aged competition.

Storybook pumpkin

At our elementary school kids can bring storybook pumpkins to display in the library.  Of course some of our favorite characters of all time are from Cynthia Rylant books.  I almost cried when we read the last in the series of Henry and Mudge (when Matthew was 5ish) and so we sang for joy when she started to write about Annie and Snowball.  My Anna's pumpkin is Snowball.  We made it the day after we bought the pumpkins and she could hardly wait that long.  (ie. I heard, "I don't think we will ever paint my pumpkin", etc. the first day and early on the 2nd day when I realized - it would't take any longer to create Snowball that day than it will if we waited, but I wouldn't have to listen to Anna's longing for a painted pumpkin.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012


We took Matthew to Smashburger to celebrate his birthday.  We had never been before, but rumor at the middle-school was that it was delish.  We agreed, definitely the best hamburger I ever had, although to be fair, I rarely choose a burger at a non-fast-food place.  This was semi-fast food and how could I not get a burger at a place called Smashburger?  YUM.
 Matthew chose Legos for his birthday, which is not a big surprise.  He had it built within an hour or 2 and declared it very awesome.  Ken surprised him with an architecture game (didn't get a photo) and he got a new "cool" sweatshirt.  Only teenagers think clothes are ok for gifts if they are "cool".  (although Carolyn picked out a sweatshirt for Christmas this year.....oh no, I guess "tween" girls think it is ok too)
 I know we have steered away from cake-themes as Matthew has aged, but this year he brought a fish into our home, so it was only right that he have a fish tank birthday cake.  (Henry and Mudge books gave us the idea.)  Actually the fish live in Joel's room because he had the big counter for it...but Joel's birthday is far away and how can you not love this cake!
Of course as I look at these pictures I think - where are Matthew's glasses?!!!  (He doesn't really like contacts, but he really needs correction.)  Oh well despite probably squinting....I think he had a great birthday.  The day after, not as much, because he was required to help with the great clothing swap, which really is no fun for anyone (see separate post).

Singing and loving it!

Carolyn was the cantor for the children's choir last Sunday.  She was supposed to share the role, but one girl had to go to grandmas and the 2nd one no-showed.  Luckily another choir member joined Carolyn, but Carolyn had to introduce all the songs.  She and the other girl sang from the podium for all the songs and lead the responsorial psalm.  She was more composed that I would be now, let alone at age 11.  Today she pinched-hit for a missing alter server, so she is really serving the Lord lately!!!  (Ken has an alter server picture on his phone that will come later.)

Girl scout night at the Science Center

Carolyn and I spent the night at the Children's Science Center of Iowa with about 70 other girls scouts/family members.  We didn't go with her troop, it was just us, which made it pretty special.  Here we are at the Mars exhibit.
Here is Carolyn in front of a life size Mars Rover replica (Spirit or Opportunity (they were twins) from 2004-2010, not Curiosity, the 2012 rover).  If you remember correctly our family has a thing for Mar's Rovers (previously we focused on Sojourner). (click on the underlined words for a blast from the past)
 Here is Carolyn, next to her own life size replica made of plastic sticks.
We even slept pretty well, despite sleeping on the floor.  It probably helped that bedtime wasn't until 11:15 (after the IMAX showing of the Mars movie...I will admit I caught a few winks a bit early)

The great clothing swap strikes again

I don't think I am going to survive the great clothing swap of Fall 2012.

It is too much to decide for each of the piece of clothing owned by each of my children:

1.  Will they wear it next spring?
2.  Will it fit then?
3.  Do I like how it fits them?
4.  Do they like it?
5.  Is it still good enough to keep?
6.  Should it be passed on to a sibling?
7.  Should it be passed onto a friend?
8.  Does it go to the clothes give away at my friend's church?
9.  Is it a rag?
10.  Is it trash?

THEN there is the box of winter has a whole new set of questions, but you get the picture.

Really, no one needs to think this much about clothes.  (The baskets of clean clothes that needed to be put away probably didn't help my mood any.)

It was nice knowing you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The best morning ever!

These beautiful ladies and their lovely daughters came over today and we had a freezer meal session.
This was seriously the best idea ever.

 #1 We had a great time.
 #2 We got to know each other a bit better. (esp. Allie and I because Jean knows us both a bit better than we knew each other.)
 #3 We have 3 fantastic meals filling our freezers.
 #4 We were able to make some meals for terrific ladies in our church community who need a helping hand.

Can you say win win win win? I hope we do it again soon.  (Next time I won't have to run away to volunteer at school - thanks to Jean and Allie for wrapping things up as I dashed off!)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September - gets me everytime

I think September is the most challenging month due to the fact that EVERYTHING is in full swing again after the comparatively low key summer.  Here is Joel, with Ken, this August shooting off his rocket with his scout Den.
So now Scouts (X3 with Anna to start any time), Religious Ed (X5 (if you include my class) + Sunday school), Church Choir (X2, but right before RE), Band (X2, mostly just school) and Soccer (X3 - Anna will get her chance next time) are all in full swing. (Carolyn also just learned to be an Alter server - hope to get a picture of her first time serving this Sunday.)  It will be a little crazy at night through October, when soccer will be done.  Typically only Joel plays basketball, but who knows, maybe Anna will give it a try this year, since Carolyn did in Kindergarten.  (activities seemed easier then!)

It is all good and we only do things we love that aren't too high of a commitment.  (ie. Matthew skips Scouts if home-work calls).  I feel like I do limit the kids activities, but if your kids are going to be in scouts and in a sport and there are 4 kiddos (or 6 for my mom) - it keeps ya hopping!

So tonight Carolyn is the only one with an activity - soccer at 5:15, BUT the library has chess night one time per month and we have never been and the kids (except Anna) love to play chess and really want to I think I will pack a dinner and we will stop there on the way home.  Somehow if you don't HAVE to go, it seems less stressful.  The fact that Carolyn remembered that it is held on the 3rd Thursday and that THIS is the 3rd Thursday was pretty cool.  The things we could drop are the things we don't want to drop (like Church choir for the kids and Faith and Friendship for me.)  So I guess we will just keep hopping!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I am gonna play you a tune on my.....


It was either this or the flute we already own......

 The whole story is that last year Carolyn and I discussed instruments and I think I convinced her that the flute would be a good idea, since we wouldn't need to purchase one. I did tell her I would buy her another instrument if she really wanted one, but it probably wouldn't be as good as the flute we already own (because it was my 2nd flute). I also hinted it would save us money, so that if she ever wanted a piccolo, we could buy one.

 This year they had "try an instrument" day at school and afterward Carolyn listed good possible choices, including flute, clarinet and tuba. Last year she talked about the trombone some.

 Fast forward. I came to realize that she wasn't that thrilled about the flute and decided to be "supportive mom" and allow her to put her name in the hat to use one of the school's tubas, which was her very first choice. When I found out there were 15 kids wanting to play tuba or baritone, I even allowed her to pick another instrument if she wasn't chosen, as there were several available in the low price range. She said flute was her 2nd choice.

 Fast forward. Her name is drawn 2nd out of 15, so she could choose tuba or baritone (the much smaller, but similar instrument). Clearly she went for the gusto! We walked the tuba home and let's just say, it is going back by car at the end of the year!!

 It is insured. I have a solemn promise from my lovely daughter that it will never be set down, except in its case. (Since Matthew had his mouth piece of his trumpet stuck about 4 times in 5th grade, mostly because it got "bumped" (read "dropped off a chair onto the floor"). Eventually Ken pried the entire trumpet apart in attempt to remove the mouth piece. Luckily we found it really cheap on Craig's List and 10 months later found another pretty cheap. Now Matthew has a "practice" trumpet that stays home (because it has duct tape keeping it together)......clearly I digress....still don't you just love C. with the tuba!! You go girl.

Carolyn is a tween

Carolyn informed me that if you are eleven you are officially a tween. She didn't have a birthday party this year, but paid me a great compliment that our birthday "outing" was better than a party. Here are some of the highlights:
Carolyn and I got our nails done. (I had a gift certificate I received in a thank you note about 18 months be honest getting my nails done isn't my favorite thing, but it was fun to do together. Our nails are still nicely shaped, but the polish was chipping within a couple days.)
The kids wanted to do a crazy shot with the birthday cake:
Carolyn, Anna and I went window shopping and out to lunch. The mall had the bungie-jumping trampoline thing that Carolyn had done before at the state fair, so I let the girls try it. (It felt quite safe - FYI to Grandma) We didn't tell the boys, because they might never want us to window shop without them again!
Carolyn wanted this book for a LONG time and it really is a great one for a Harry Potter fan (myself included).
She is a lovely tween, and I am very glad we have 2 more years before she is a teen! We don't want to rush these years!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School

The kids started school last Wednesday. I think they had a good day. Matthew commented that "he survived", but also talked about all the friends he saw and had lunch with, so he seemed ok. Anna seems a bit more cranky since school started, but I think it is related to sleep and getting up at 6:30 in the morning! She seems to like school and is excited to go each day. Carolyn has a new teacher to our school, but not our district and we have heard rave reviews. She is all about the friends in her class, which worked out well this year. Joel has Mr. J (Carolyn's 3rd grade teacher) and is thrilled.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Canoe/Kayak Trip

While C.,J., A. and I were having fun at the zoo, Ken and Matthew were at Camp Winnebago. Matthew spent Saturday in a kayak and Ken in a canoe (with one of the younger scouts). They had wonderful weather and were happy to get one last trip in at Camp Winnebago as the BSA is having to sell this camp. There are other camps nearby and they can't afford to keep both open.
Matthew got to practice his Life-Saving skills learned at a different camp. (no he didn't have to save anyone....but all the boys who have completed Life-Saving training took turns watching over the pool) One has to guess that adult leaders were also watching. Plus they youngest scout in the Troop is in 6th grade - so no worries.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I think this is the first time I have been to a zoo in 13 1/2 years without a stroller. Ken and Matthew were canoeing with scouts. The Blank Park Zoo has improved SOOO much since we moved here.
It was a perfect weather day and we had a great time!

Monday, August 13, 2012


We finally made it to Adventureland, which is the theme park that is about 20 minutes away. The kids had the time of their life, me not as much :0) I did have an overall good day, but made a bad initial decision: I chose to go on The Tornado as the first ride of the day. I reasoned that most rides were out because they spinned and I knew I had ridden the Tornado as a teenager. I also thought, "golly, if they let little kids like Anna on it, it much be somewhat tame". My 2nd mistake (after getting on the ride), was closing my eyes - which probably exacerbated the nausea. Here is the family before the big ride. Matthew and Ken thought it was fun and the others thought it was "ok". It was the last rollercoaster for all but Ken and Matthew.
Here are Matthew and Carolyn in front of Joel and me on the "ski gondola" ride. This wasn't a ride I would allow Anna to go on, since it was so high up.
Here is Joel, sitting next to me, high in the air. It did make me a bit anxious to be so high up, but I was as cool as a cucumber, so as not to pass on my fears to the next generation :)
I probably could have done this ride (Raging Waters), if it had preceded the Tornado, but I am glad that I could get some very nice pictures, since I was not feeling the best for the next 4-6 hours.
Here is a crazy ride that Matthew, Carolyn and Ken went on. Joel and Anna weren't tall enough, but I don't think they had interest anyway. Matthew and Ken are the real daredevils of the group.
We stayed all day and I think everyone will have great memories (even me!). I also learned a valuable lesson, so that I won't do something similar when we spend the big bucks in Florida (hopefully) next summer.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Popsicle Party!

We had a great time planning and attending the easiest party ever. The funny thing is - NO ONE else was at the park throughout the party! It was a lovely day, so I am not sure why no one else was there. We had 43 people at the party and probably ate 120 popsicles/ice cream bars.....maybe I exaggerate, because the adults didn't have more than one, but the kids were excited about the cooler full of treats. Carolyn's best buddies were able to come!
The newest third graders!
Anna's friends from Faith and Friendship!
We didn't invite Matthew's buddies, because age 13 might be a bit old for a popsicle party (but 43 years old is not :0)