Thursday, April 30, 2020


Please note that the IRS is not answering phones at this time.

I have no words.

It doesn't matter what your question is, they can't answer it.  They also won't tell you where to write a letter to ask a question.

Part of this is related to Covid19, but not all.  I have had a question in the past and had great difficulty speaking to a person with the IRS.

Every business who wants my money knows how to forward a phone, but not the IRS, who for their worker's safety are out of the office.

We will keep Joel's stimulus check until they open back up.  We did send a letter to the tax payer assistance federal IRS office in Des Moines.  (for the record, I was able to speak to Iowa Revenue Service....they know how to forward a phone....but didn't have an answer for me)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Today I learned that we have almost 900 National Guard soldiers and air-men helping with our state's Covid19 response.  I really like that they are here for our state.  (Although our state doesn't feel like the war they are fighting in New York!)

I learned that I mailed a patient's broken hearing aids to the wrong manufacturer for repair.  Hopefully they have been mailed back to me, because we know they received them :0(   ugh - when I make a mistake, but am doing 100 things a day - well that isn't as terrible as when I am doing less than 10 things in a day at work.

Here is Hedwig.....don't tell him he looks like a pigeon.  He is a snowy owl that took HOURS to create (cuz he is so tiny).  He even has a tail to prop himself.  Next Doby.  (My sister gave Anna a Hogwarts kit, but it is a bit challenging for her.)  I tried Hedwig when we first got the kit, but wasn't up for its level of difficulty.  Since that time I have made booties, so my skills have increased.  So after 2 mistakes, Hedwig was born!  I do think Doby will be easier because I learned so much making Hedwig. (and he isn't so small)  Hedwig is small enough to fit on crocheted Harry Potter....who doesn't exist here yet.  Ignore jibberish below, not sure what it is.
<10 a="" day="" in="" nbsp="" of="" p="" things="" work.="">

Now the craziest thing of the day.....
Joel received a $1200 stimulus check....despite being a dependent on my taxes (checked his to make sure I didn't list it wrong) and despite making only $1236 last year and despite being 16 years old.  We will be trying to reach the IRS tomorrow.  I am sure it will be a breeze.

The best thing of the day:  Carolyn was notified about another scholarship today!!  (It is through Ankeny Dollars for Scholars....lots of kids get them from local businesses.  The best thing is that Carolyn's business happens to be our neighbor's Real Estate company.  Not probably a coincidence, she really likes Carolyn and was she listed as one of the (MANY DIFFERENT) sponsors when Carolyn applied.  So nice they picked her!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Brad Pitt as Fauci...cuz sometimes you need to laugh

Anthony Fauci praises Brad Pitt's 'SNL' impersonation of him

google Brad Pitt Fauci SNL and watch this skit on youtube.

It made me laugh/cry!


Started off the day with a bang....making home-made bread, getting the kitchen cleaned, laundry started and off on a walk.

My entergy drizzled off a bit, but then started a fun project for May Day with Anna!!

Now I am gonna watch the Governor's address.  Yesterday she said that some "low Covid" counties could start opening at 50% capacity on May 1.  Of course 8 of 9 (ore something like that) of the biggest cities (and their metro areas) are not in the counties opened, but I still think it was a bit rushed.  Even if we opened, I wouldn't change my behavior. (We are Des Moines metro....Polk county, not opened, since we are one of the biggest counties effect...mostly because we have a HUGE amount of people (for Iowa))

The long term care facilities are being hit so hard.  So sad, so very sad.

My hospital still hasn't indicated when my clinic will open, although officially they can make that choice now.

Monday, April 27, 2020


The simplest things can make me so happy.  #1 Anna needs more to do and we found a great project!!
#2 Look what she made for her sister to increase mask comfort.  (effective immediately, Carolyn has to wear a mask to work and I think her ears would hurt with the "old way" of mask wearing)  I saw someone at my hospital with something like this to attach her mask to her face....and I jumped on it.
So much better.....we are making a bunch!!  

#3 my sweet friend J. donated a bunch of her mom's and grandma's buttons to the cause!!

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Funny story:  We decided to watch Mass from our old parish....
St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish
However, we found a recording from a different SJB and at first couldn't decide if it was OUR SJB.  (I immediately said no, but my memory is terrible.)  Then we decided we could only watch live, so we went to St. Stephen the Martyr Parish (from Omaha), again Joel found the wrong one, but we were all less sure since it has been almost 20  years since we have been there.  We were pretty sure it was wrong once the priest started speaking in Spanish!!!

We then tried the Newman Center in Iowa city, but only found a "welcome to the Newman Center".  I guess most places you need to watch live (our church is recorded) week we will be more prepared!

In the end we watched Mass from the arch-diocese of Los Angeles, because it was the first video of today's Mass that Joel found that worked!  It was a nice service.  I liked that it didn't have singing, because that doesn't feel the same when everyone isn't singing.  (I love hearing my kids sing, but they aren't up for it in my family room.)

Today I am getting a lot done.  Normally Sunday should be a day of rest, but I am resting from resting.  My balance is still poor, but I want to get things done!!!

I am starting to block my crochet blanket.  Some squares are quite wonkie, so in order to stitch the squares together you need to make them all the same size.  (You get them wet and square them to the right size.) It just looks so much better too!  (I have 10 blocks done and 3 started!)

I am doing some banking, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, the dream!!


Up at 5 am to be at the hospital by 6:00.

One job I would never want:  Security guard - so boring!  (I sit with the security guard at the entrance and we take temperatures of (mostly) staff.) We had a few baby dads coming in and out and one pregnant woman....but on Saturday, things are slow!!  I was able to have a long talk with Tammie between temperatures because she finished her shift at 7.  I haven't see her a while because she took a night-time deployment.  She takes temperatures coming into the ER, so she is at much more risk for sure.  (But nights are slow, thank goodness.)

Not much in the afternoon....a walk with Carolyn and a bit of a nap.


I felt a lot better today, still a bit imbalanced, but not progress!!

I went to work and found out Cyndi was taking a furlough.  They could get her work, but not 40 hours per week, so they were going to give her hours to someone else.  Amy and I will now listen to the messages and take down the mail and pick up the packages.  No big deal, sad to not see Cyndi until things change.

Governor Reynolds announced that we could re-open non-urgent health care.  My hospital hasn't told us of their decision.  I do know that when we open up we will need to wear full PPE.  Fine, I say - keep everyone safe.  I don't think we will be the first to open.  My guess is that they will see patients in pain or with cancer etc.  I do know that initially we will try to just see infants who failed their hearing screenings at birth.  (also I want to fit the baby who has been waiting for his hearing aids since the week after we closed!!!)  Governor also said Farmer's Markets (food only) could open.  Kinda silly, but she is all about the food chain.  I won't be going for sure!  Our infection numbers were over 600 today, Iowa's main problems are nursing homes and food packing plants.....both places that are hard to "socially distance".

The school sent a poll about graduation.  Did we want a video graduation, "normal" graduation at Hilton Colosseum in late June, or graduation in our school gym with 2 people per graduate, again in late June.  Unfortunately Ken forwarded this email to Carolyn who voted on Hilton while on break from work.  That would be my 3rd choice for sure.  I think in person graduation should be cancelled, no sense in being a super spreader situation!!  Who wants a graduation with face masks?  We have already cancelled (in our heads) our party.  We hope that Carolyn can have a small celebration with her best buddies in early August.  Most important is getting kids back to school in the fall.  Graduation shouldn't put that at risk.  I think it is very unlikely that the Governor will allow big crowds by June, but if she does, I don't want my family to attend.  UGGH.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


My BPPV is worse today.  I tried to do a home Epley maneuver.  It might have worked, but all day I have felt like I went on a long spinning amusement park ride.


I flipped over funny getting out of bed and gave myself BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo).  I only know the fancy name because audiologists do vestibular analysis and we learn a lot about it in school.  I only had one practicum in college and have never worked in this area myself.  This happened to me one time before and has happened to my sister and my walking buddy.  I felt ok most of the day until close to bedtime, just a bit off.

I created a Google Slide show to use with my Confirmation Class to say the Rosary together tonight.  It went fine, but we could only hear the leader, because otherwise the mic. timing would be off.  (We took turns being the leader.)  

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I cut Joel's hair today.
I even did a little scissor cutting at his special request. (Top only)
(Action shot!)

I also created some Graduation cards at a card-making website.  I searched online and couldn't find anything I loved for this year's graduates.  (And won't go shopping to find something) As long as their printing is good, I will be very happy.  I was even able to make Carolyn a card with her pictures on it.  I think she will like it.  I also custom made Mather's day and Father's Day cards.

I took the test that Iowa has made available and I qualify for a Covid19 test.  I believe that this is 99.9% likely to be because I answered YES to "are you healthcare worker"?  Because otherwise, my risk is extremely low!!  I am not going to proceed to get the test until the hospital re-opens my clinic and they want to test everyone first.


I worked and was  bummed out because they are asking supervisors to go to 90% time and not take PTO.  I am not a supervisor (not enough audiologists to sacrifice one to management....and I would hate to be a manager), but it still bums me out.  Very hard to be a hospital during a pandemic.  It is a blessing that our health system is not overwhelmed by cases.  However, everything else is cancelled in part to free up the facilities for a possible surge and to conserve PPE etc.  Hard for them to balance the books.

A woman that I used to work with now works for an ENT and she is seeing patients....non urgent patients.  It just seem so odd when even heart surgeries aren't taking place because the aren't "urgent", but she is doing audiograms.  I think her clinic is vey unusual for the country right now.

Went for a walk and made copy-cat Panera Broccoli Cheese soup with Anna and Matthew.  (Matthew found the recipe and requested the ingredients last week.). It was top notch.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


This picture is of Anna and me at the last show-choir competition.  I am not sure why we took it, but it is rare that I like a picture of myself, so here it is :0)   Back when life was normal on February 29.

Today is Sunday.  We will watch Mass this afternoon as Carolyn had to work too early to get church finished this am.  (I think it is recorded at 8:30 and she had to be at work at 9:00)

I am just doing cleaning and crafting today, maybe a little reading and cooking.

Here is Carolyn in her Prom-that-never-was dress.  We bought it in 2019, but didn't attach straps yet.  By the time we would have done that, the writing was on the wall.

Here is Anna in same dress.  We wanted to see if it would fit her when she was of Prom, it will be too small by then.  However, we kept it to shorten and add straps to wear to a cousins wedding....if that happens before she outgrows it.


I was up at 5 am to be downtown at 6 to take (mostly employee) temperatures before people entered Methodist Hospital.  Easy job, pretty slow since it was a weekend.  We had one busy hour, but the rest was quiet.  I read the binder from the continuing education course I took in November in Minnesota regarding auditory brainstem response testing.  Gotta keep my mind in it, since it will be hard not to do one of these tests in 2 months!!

I cut Ken's hair!!  (normally he isn't game, but he actually ASKED me to cut his hair)
He was nice enough to let me take a picture.  (He said, "you don't really need to share that picture if you don't want" or something to that effect, but he understands that I need to show off!)  The key is to not make it look like you just got a haircut.  (I actually did several cuts to make sure I didn't take too much at first.)  I also only cut the sides and back, not the top.  So really this can't go on indefinitely, without changing the look  (I don't do scissor cuts).  I do cut the top of Matthew's head, but only because he doesn't care too much and I use the clippers.  I think Joel might let me cut his hair after he records his show choir audition today!  Matthew is getting shaggie, but has the good argument that no one is seeing him, so who cares.  For Joel, I think he should have me cut it now, because then it can grow out for awhile before he actually sees anyone :0)

I made lasagna...thus another exciting day in Ankeny!  It was supposed to be prom tonight.  On Sunday we will take a picture of Carolyn in her dress.

On Friday they cancelled school in person school for the rest of the year.  We knew it was coming, still sad.

Friday, April 17, 2020


Watching the Mayo Clinic researcher (on CNBC, Squakbox) discuss Convalescent Plasma for Covid19.  The researcher said that the idea has been around since the 1800s.  Gilead also is a company with a possible treatment.  So wonderful to have some good news.

I am going to work today with my last day of guaranteed pay.  It feels so strange, but I have over 200 hours of PTO saved and will work at least 10 hours a week.  (I am contracted for 20 hours.) Many of of my full time colleagues have gotten good redeployments, and I am happy about this.  My office mate A. (also part time) doesn't have a ton of PTO, so I am going to let her work each Tuesday (our shared day).  Both of us will take a shift measuring staff temperatures on Saturday. I will cover the office M/F and she will do TWTh. We take care of any mailed in hearing aids, any lost devices, in-patients, billing questions.  I miss my patients and work colleagues!

I also miss Lilly:

But I didn't miss her at 3 am.

This is what we woke up to this morning!  Should be gone by the time Ken comes home from work.  It isn't on the roads etc. (ACTUALLY GONE BY 11:30 when I left work)

Today starts "clean the house day " now that we don't have Lilly.  Anna is my hero.  She did a mass cleaning and declutter.  Not showing her bed, since she is still asleep.  (I am doing this post before work.)

Thursday, April 16, 2020


I went to Aldi with a mask on today.  It didn't make me crazy nervous like I would have guessed.  It made me feel better to know that wearing a mask is to protect others from you, if you are symptom free but contagious.  That's all I needed to know!

Our state has suffered many cases of Covid19 at nursing homes (10% of cases and almost 1/2 of the deaths) and recently packing plants.  This has caused further restrictions in the hardest hit counties in Iowa.  At the same time there are some crazy people in Michigan fighting their restrictions.  "Freedom or Death".....uh death is what we are trying to prevent you idiots!  They have the 4th highest number of cases!

Today Lilly goes back to the ARL for her surgery tomorrow am.  She will be adopted immediately when her picture/data go onto the adoption website.  She really is a great dog, just still a bit tough at night.  (She just can't make it through the night without going outside due to her age.)  We will miss her, especially Anna and Joel who spend the most time with her.  Anna has carried her around much of today.

Carolyn and Joel were able to get Silver Cord hours for volunteering with Lilly.  This is excellent luck since their service adventure over spring break was cancelled and Carolyn needed 5 hours before May 1.

After I drop off Lilly, I will get gas and do a curb-side pick up of fabric because we are going to make receiving blankets for 4 His Heart.   It is a group that is run by my friend's friend in support of families identified with babies who have congenital heart disease.  (My friend had this idea when I was trying to think of volunteer ideas that can be done from home by Carolyn, but really we will all help....well maybe not Ken and Matthew who are working full time at other things!!)

Tonight we are getting take out from my friend's restaurant The Cabaret.  They are having a fund raiser for Centennial Choral Music Parent Organization.  (but really I mostly want to support my friend)

Goodbye sweet Lilly!
Notice how close in height everyone is...

yep.  I paid less than $1 for gas (because I used my Sam's club card which gives me 5% off)  This is less related to Covid19 and more related to the gasoline war between Saudi Arabia and Russia that is supposed to be over now.  This is like the "Ironic" song by Alanis Morsette....Isn't Ironic that gas is so cheap, when no one has anywhere they can go.   (I will still be driving downtown Des Moines for work, but nothing like this time last year, driving to nearby towns to watch Joel play soccer...sniff.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


My day started out fantastically:

Julie had her baby (Sophia Lavonne) around 4 am.  Lavonne was my mother's name although most people called her Bonnie.  (My dad did call her Lavonne as did her mother and maybe her sister.)

Then we had a visitor:

Anna commented, "there is a black dog in our yard" (this was before 7:30am, and normally she isn't even up for the day)

I peaked out the window and Sivia was at our door.  She was such a sweet dog.  She wanted to come inside (not!).  We called her owner and they picked her up.  She had a collar for an electric fence, but something must have gone wrong, then she got disoriented in the fog.  We fed her a little of Lilly's food, which was a mistake, given that her owner came within minutes and we almost ran out of food!  She ate like she was starving to death.  Lilly leaves tomorrow so I called my friend who also has a puppy and Joel picked up enough to get us through.

This is what we saw when we woke up today.  Yes snow and yes 8 days ago we were in the 80s.  It melted in the morning, but did sprinkle a little throughout the day!
Today was one of those LONG LONG days.  Not sure why, Lilly was a bit of a pill today.  I think she doesn't want us to miss her too bad when she leaves tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


I am not working today, but I will take temperatures at the hospital this weekend instead.  (they have more trouble filling weekend slots)
My newest mask, The Communicator.  We could use this with patients who rely heavily on lip-reading.  It does fog up, but I am going to look for anti-fogging vinyl.  For this trial I used the plastic from a DVD case.  (don't judge the just makes the point!  We went outside so you could see my teeth, then I am squinting and there are strings everywhere!) 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Sunday and Monday

We had a low key Easter.  The kids slept in then we watched Mass before Carolyn went to work.  Unfortunately, by the time she got home for dinner Matthew was meeting with his lab partner.  Oh well.  We have had many meals together recently.
Joel with sweet Lilly.  He has trained her to sit and shake.  When she is nipping, I say "sit Lilly" and often she starts behaving well!  

Anna hiding Matthew's eggs.  She was itching for the postponed egg hunt!

Cooking leftovers!

Saturday, April 11, 2020


I made a fun care package for my friend Brittanie's kids, including this paracord bracelet board.  (I had extra paracord and her son is a scout, so I thought they might like to try to make some.)
Ken had the board and did the nails, Matthew covered it with ducktape and Washi tape (when he wanted it to have a little more flair).  I started the first bracelet so they would know how to do it.

Ken and I stuffed eggs.  I made 2 more face-masks for a friend.  The family is having a Harry Potter marathon.  I think I will go join them!


I went to work in the am.

Went for a walk.

Was lazy, played with the dog, inched forward with the laundry.

Made an excellent egg casserole.  (the key is lots of cheese with this crowd)


Today was "MAKE MANY MASKS DAY"  (wish is was Monday....that would have been a great alliteration!)
It is all I did (besides go on a walk and watch an episode of West Wing around 9pm)!

Great satisfaction!  (my favorite is pictured)

It was great fun when I found pipe-cleaners in my craft box (for the nose)...then when I was almost out, I found some more in a different craft box!! Also I found an extra piece of elastic on my desk...I know this just means I was messy the first time, but I was still happy.  I felt like it was like the  loaves and fishes.....need more it is!  (I also felt like it was God's way of saying "make a few more masks")
This picture jogged my memory.  Joel and I took Lilly to the ARL to be checked out.  (healthy enough for vaccination, still has Kennel cough, must stay on medicine for 10 more days before she can be spayed and adopted).  After this we dropped 2 masks at my colleague's house (in urban Des Moines) and this is what we saw walking calmly through the neighborhood in the middle of the morning.  My friend indicated that there used to be a little forest near her house, that had to be torn down to build a retention pond due to all the flooding in the neighborhood.  She said that even before they tore down the little forest, this family of deer would often visit her neighborhood.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Today I went to work, then Aldi. Lots of people with masks today, but it didn't freak me out like last week.  We have to wear masks even in the halls at work now, so it seems less a big deal.

My friend wanted a mask for her daughter, so I thought I would make a mask for Carolyn (to learn how), then make a mask for my friend.  

Mask #1....the pattern from the hospital.  It has 6 pieces of fabric and it is constructed so that a filter can be inserted.  It was hard, but not terrible, but it was much more like making clothes than quilts.  Fit was a little bit of an issue, so we had to tweak.

Then I talked to my sister.  She had made something like 29 of the masks above for a hospital in KC, then was asked to make a different style for a different hospital and it was so much easier.  This mask (below) wouldn't be used with patients.  It is more like a "walk in the hospital without seeing patients" kind of mask (or Aldi, but I didn't wear a mask today).  SOOOO much easier and I even like it better.  Carolyn did not want to be a model, but I didn't want her siblings to put it on, so she agreed.  I am going to make several of these for friends.  I cut everything out today, but couldn't sew more because Matthew was on a call in the basement with his Lab partner for school.  (I didn't want to move my machine and thought it might freak out the dog anyway.)  It was so fun to hear him discuss his project with his partner.  He didn't sound shy at all and really seemed to know what he was talking about.  (of course what do I know about computer programming???)
Maybe if people see Carolyn in a mask they will remember that Starbucks is not an urgent need!  She doesn't have to wear it, but she can if she wants.

We just did the Stations of the Cross via Google Hangout.  We had 3 kids new kids from our class join today, plus our Youth Minister.  We had such a great turn-out that we had to have Joel and Ben come be on the call with their mother to open up a space!!  Praise God.  It was a very sad Stations, but we were blessed by the people (and Blessed by God.....who did the blessing with the people in the first place).


Good news, the days seem a bit faster.  The bad news is that I can hardly remember what I did yesterday.  I worked, went for a walk, cleaned the kitchen and did laundry. 

Anna and I played a card game and I took Lilly outside many many times. (It wears her out and keeps my carpet clean.)

Carolyn made awesome lunch.  (home-made copy cat of McGriddle)

Anna and I worked on a para-cord craft (we bought a bag of material at the Marching Band Garage Sale for $2.  SEVERAL years ago we made many para-cord bracelets when Ken was Cub master.  Anyway we made a knot called Monkeyfist in attempt to make a dog toy. Lilly thought it was ok, but given how long it took to make, she can never love it enough.  Monkeyfist is way harder to make than it should be, so we will try a different toy on another day!  

Monday, April 6, 2020


I am not working Saturday temperature taking gig counted for today!

Here is a must watch this sweet video esp. if you like Hamilton or John Krasinski!  This is episode 2 of SGN (Some Good News)

I made the outside of this crochet hook holder back in January, but it likely would have been one of those "never finished" projects if it wasn't for family self-isolation!  I thought about sewing myself a pouch for these, but that felt so wrong :0)
Working on the t-shirt quilt...first 3 shirts

 Front of ER 2018 shirt (Eternal Rush (show choir)  I just re-watched the show and it still brings tears to my eyes.
 From Carolyn's Jordan Scholarship program last year.
Theater does have a lot of drama!!

We gave Lilly a bath.  She just wanted to drink the water.

An embarrassment of riches!  (or choose)  Carolyn's grad announcements arrived as did a box of jewelry making supplies from Aunt Mary!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

For baby Sophia!


we watched church on TV.

Carolyn's going work at Hyvee.

Matthew is signing his first lease.

We are going on a walk...the day is georgeous.


Much better day than yesterday.  (Yesterday was overcast and really cold so no walk!!)

 My work station at Methodist West.  Such nice staff there!  I had to ask if anyone had a recent or change in their cough, fever, or shortness of breath.  One nurse said that she did have a cough and was pregnant so she had a Covid 19 test on Thursday and it was negative on Friday.  (She said she didn't want to put anyone at risk.)  I was so glad that she got the test!!  My Confirmation co-catechist works at Methodist West (I thought she was a Mercy therapist), so it was fun to see her.  Next time I will bring CEU information to read.

 Bananagrams....I made Joel sit (fake) for the picture.  He did join in a later round, after making a snack.

 Love this!  Lilly likes her people!!

 The bear got his booties.  I thought booties might be terribly complicated but they weren't.  Very satisfying.  (really aren't for bear, but my colleague, Blaire.)

 We needed 12 oz. of pasta for Matthew's recipe tonight and our hodge-podge got us very close!!
 Italian sausage mac and cheese.  I think Matthew was disappointed, but I thought it was great.  (I was his sous chef.)
 Lilly loves Ken.  I think she knows he is the Alpha male in the house.
Now that I learned how to make a bootie I am making booties for my niece's baby to be!!  Stripes!!  I am going to make her a matching hat!  (Bear will model)

Also Carolyn and I went for a long walk!