Sunday, April 26, 2020


Funny story:  We decided to watch Mass from our old parish....
St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish
However, we found a recording from a different SJB and at first couldn't decide if it was OUR SJB.  (I immediately said no, but my memory is terrible.)  Then we decided we could only watch live, so we went to St. Stephen the Martyr Parish (from Omaha), again Joel found the wrong one, but we were all less sure since it has been almost 20  years since we have been there.  We were pretty sure it was wrong once the priest started speaking in Spanish!!!

We then tried the Newman Center in Iowa city, but only found a "welcome to the Newman Center".  I guess most places you need to watch live (our church is recorded) week we will be more prepared!

In the end we watched Mass from the arch-diocese of Los Angeles, because it was the first video of today's Mass that Joel found that worked!  It was a nice service.  I liked that it didn't have singing, because that doesn't feel the same when everyone isn't singing.  (I love hearing my kids sing, but they aren't up for it in my family room.)

Today I am getting a lot done.  Normally Sunday should be a day of rest, but I am resting from resting.  My balance is still poor, but I want to get things done!!!

I am starting to block my crochet blanket.  Some squares are quite wonkie, so in order to stitch the squares together you need to make them all the same size.  (You get them wet and square them to the right size.) It just looks so much better too!  (I have 10 blocks done and 3 started!)

I am doing some banking, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, the dream!!

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