Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I worked and was  bummed out because they are asking supervisors to go to 90% time and not take PTO.  I am not a supervisor (not enough audiologists to sacrifice one to management....and I would hate to be a manager), but it still bums me out.  Very hard to be a hospital during a pandemic.  It is a blessing that our health system is not overwhelmed by cases.  However, everything else is cancelled in part to free up the facilities for a possible surge and to conserve PPE etc.  Hard for them to balance the books.

A woman that I used to work with now works for an ENT and she is seeing patients....non urgent patients.  It just seem so odd when even heart surgeries aren't taking place because the aren't "urgent", but she is doing audiograms.  I think her clinic is vey unusual for the country right now.

Went for a walk and made copy-cat Panera Broccoli Cheese soup with Anna and Matthew.  (Matthew found the recipe and requested the ingredients last week.). It was top notch.

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