Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Before and After.....

Matthew before:
Matthew after:
oh - this might help - DURING:
Today at swimming lessons, Matthew got a classmate's leg in his face and it broke his front tooth and loosened up two bottom teeth. An additional tooth on top needed a bit of "sanding" as it was a bit rough. Luckily his dentist was able to see him the same day! He did well with the whole thing, but was a bit sad to learn that he should never bite anything hard with his front teeth again (think apple)....bummer Hopefully he won't be like my brother - who had his front tooth fixed in childhood only to have the broken part fall off (while playing basketball) the morning of his wedding....I haven't told Matthew that story :) (yes another nice dentist came to the rescue then)


  1. oh no! and just something simple like swimming, too! :( sorry you had that stress coming back from WH right away. hope things go smoothly with the tooth.

  2. This was NOT one of the risks I read about happening in swimming. I'm sorry for you both.
