Yesterday could go in the record books for one of my most productive.
1. I went for a walk at 6:40
2. I attended a Weight Watcher's meeting online with my sister.
(here we are when she came to celebrate my 50th birthday)
Neither of us were actually in Prairie Village KS (at the meeting site) at the time (cuz sis was visiting my dad), but we went to her normal meeting, which is still ZOOMing!! Last Saturday was my worst day of the week for WW (which is silly since I went to a meeting last week too) So I vowed to make Saturday a great WW day! The best way to do that is to keep busy!
3. I trimmed a bush-like thing that because so overgrown it was falling over.....eish. Eventually I need to dig some of the root or this will just repeat next spring
4. I listed this basketball hoop for free on Facebook. It was asked for within minutes and the family picked it up at 4. Had I known it would be so easy, I would have done it a while ago. Of course Joel and Anna said they still used it (after it was gone), but I hadn't seen any basketball playing time since we moved it to the cul de sac in April. It would fall over in strong winds and the sand bags we used to keep it upright were making a mess. I always had to be careful when I backed up! Glad it is gone.

5. I took 4 big boxes, MANY small boxes, a big bag and a bean bag chair to the St. Vincent de Paul truck. (They set it up in our church parking lot one Saturday a month and things that are donated go to the S. Vincent de Paul store in Des Moines to fund their missions.) I had boxed up most of the items in March and April, but wanted to wait to give them the items, since initially they were closed and then I figured they probably received a bunch of items when they first opened .
6. Anna and I sanded and painted this bench that she uses as her desk chair (gift from my sis.... it looked better when it was given to us!)
7. Throughout the day I made 5 masks (and repaired one mask) for old neighbors. (who coincidentally gave us the basketball hoop above) They wanted to pay me, to which I responded, "did you let me pay for the basketball hook, skateboard and 2 bikes that my kids have received from you?" I would never take money to make something for a pandemic!!! It gives me great pleasure to make these masks.
8. I made a bunch of ear-savers (that keep the masks I make off your ears if you need to have one on for a long time. I always use my ear saver, just much more comfortable!! We call these hearing aid savers at work, because it allows us to work with patient's hearing aids without the mask getting in the way and also will help our patients lose their hearing aids less, because they won't go flying off when a mask is donned or doffed. (Note that the left blue "saver" doesn't yet have both buttons sewn on...I do have some quality control.) Anyway, I ordered another 100 buttons, because I don't see the need for these going away in our clinic any time soon. Let me know if you need your own ear-saver!!!! (Some of these were actually made on Sunday.....but I threw them all together because I think they look lovely!) simple pleasures.