Daily Mass will start at our church this Tuesday. I love how safe they are being. I watch the video and they really want people to take this very seriously. I think we will try to go on Wednesday when I don't work. If the kids can work, they can go to church, as long as safety is observed, which I think it will be. Sunday Mass will be another thing, since we can't possible seat everyone in our church. Cross that bridge later! They will do only daily Mass at least for the first week and 1/2.

For the record....I have been using my clippers for 19 years, although typically only Matthew is interested. (Joel didn't mind until he was double digits.) Ken and Joel only had me cut their hair because I was the only game in town for 3 months! (I also cut Anna's hair, but she has the best hair for a mom-cut.....so curly you would never know where the snips were made. Carolyn.....never touching that hair! (nightmare from when she was in pre-school - very straight hair that makes an imperfection very obvious)
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