Return to Learn e-Newsletter
June 29, 2020

Return to Learn Parent Survey
Please complete this survey to help us understand your family's and learner's needs as we prepare for the beginning of school in August. The survey window will close on July 10.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Despite the guidance from the Iowa Department of Education, Ankeny Schools will continue to prepare for the practices of social distancing, the use of face masks, and other recommended health practices as provided by state and federal authorities.
As we develop our Return to Learn draft plan, we will continue to work to follow Iowa Department of Education and public health guidance. We are carefully and continuously monitoring this guidance so we can engage the Board and our Return to Learn committees in a discussion about the appropriate next steps as the guidance evolves, including but not limited to the use of face masks. We are working now to understand if/how the recent guidance from the Iowa Department of Education on masks might impact our Return to Learn plan, which includes a significant personal protective equipment (PPE) component.
We’ll be sharing more detailed information about our draft plan in the coming weeks. We hope this will provide a more nuanced picture of our use of PPE.
Return to Learn Plan: Timeline Clarification
On July 1, the Ankeny Community School District, as well as school districts throughout the state of Iowa, will be completing a Return to Learn report to the Iowa Department of Education. This report is an overview of district's plans and ability to deliver on the different models of instruction. The work our Return to Learn teams are completing throughout the summer is taking this outline of a plan and operationalizing it for the upcoming school year, no matter the instruction model. As you can imagine, that work is a much more in-depth planning process.
While you may have heard school district's Return to Learn plans are due to the State of Iowa on July 1, please understand the final, detailed plan will not be released until later this summer. That being said, we are releasing these newsletters to keep you informed on the work throughout the summer.
While you may have heard school district's Return to Learn plans are due to the State of Iowa on July 1, please understand the final, detailed plan will not be released until later this summer. That being said, we are releasing these newsletters to keep you informed on the work throughout the summer.
School Calendar
The 2020-2021 school calendar, developed by the district calendar committee and approved by the Ankeny Community School Board, will not be changed due to Return to Learn.
DRAFT Model Comparison Table
The Return to Learn plan is still being created. We will share the work with you throughout the summer, knowing it is still in draft form. Please understand that some details may be adjusted as the work continues.
This draft chart presents a comparison of many aspects of teaching and learning in traditional and online learning environments and variations of models.
This draft chart presents a comparison of many aspects of teaching and learning in traditional and online learning environments and variations of models.

DRAFT Hybrid Learning Model
In an effort to plan for every potential outcome, we prepared two versions of the Hybrid Learning Model that could be utilized. Below please find the DRAFT Hybrid Learning Model. This model provides for schools needing to open at 25% or 50% capacity, based on government regulations on social distancing. As we determine groupings 1-4, family units will be taken into consideration.

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