Anna finished the puzzle. It was SOOO hard. I didn't help at all. It was 95% Ken and Anna. See the tiny scrap of a picture...that is all they had to go on. It was from a set of puzzles from Ken's parents (all in one big box) and so it didn't have the nice huge picture, just that tiny thing from the edge of the box. This was one of reasons it was so hard....and the really couldn't see the picture except from a far distance.....and most of the colors were the same. Even Ken said he didn't want to do any of the other puzzles from the set.

I was home by 3 today, since I had two no shows and one cancellation. So we pulled out the chess game. We hadn't played in over a year and I gotta say - that really isn't good for my old brain. Ken and Joel returned home from the test drive to Altoona (where Joel is umping tomorrow while we are at the graduation) they had to explain to us how to end the game. Anna clearly was going to win, but she was having trouble getting it done. They had to explain the difference between a stale-mate and check mate and I still can't quite wrap my head around it. All I know is that without their help, Anna's 3 pieces would still be chasing my king around the board. Still glad we played and hope to play again soon. We need to match the more skilled players up with the two novices (Anna and me).
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