We have had a lot of rain this summer, but most of it has occurred at night. Today we got dumped on night and day. I brought out GEO-TRAX since they haven't been played with in months, I knew the kids would have a few hours of fun. Carolyn added (little people) animals and blocks to her park. Joel also added a Pokemon card to his tracks and Matthew put blocks underneath his tracks to make hills and valleys. (Anna mostly played with the airplane and bothered the other participants :)
The kids also enjoyed looking through their photo albums today. Anna is especially fascinated by pictures of babies that are NOT her! (since her scrapbook has mostly baby pictures so far :)

While they played, I prepped my Virtual Quilting Bee packages, because August is my month to send fabric and receive blocks. Each fabric pack is approximately the same, I just put different fabrics on top, so you could get a feel for the variety. I am asking everyone to produce blocks using any combination of squares and rectangles! I figure by giving a bit of structure, the blocks will go well together....time will tell!
Are you sending mine home with via the White House??? Please!!! I'm super excited to see up close.