After waking up Friday morning....
We went to Lead's Blackhill Mining Museum - loved it

We got a great tour of a fabricated mine (complete w/ dummmy-miners and all the old equipment). Our tour guide (who also is in the panning for gold picture) was fantastic and had great mining jokes...guess you had to be there.
Anna's favorite thing in all of our site-seeing were these little chairs at the museum. She kept saying, "After I ____ (fill in the blank several times) I am going to go back to the little chairs".

Here are the older kids panning for gold. It was great because the museum "stacked the deck" by giving you a prepared baggie full of sand to pan. There were many flakes of gold in each baggie, so you had a souvenier as well as a fun experience.

Mount Rushmore - awesome
In case you went to Mt. Rushmore as a kid, you must know it has they haven't added a president, but they did add a great walking path, so you can walk around the base of the mountain - fantastic. I did zoom a bit, but check out how close George seems.

During our entire trip, we met so many nice people. This picture was taken by one such person

Here are the boys in front of one of the artists renditions of Mt. Rushmore. The boys took the 600 steps to go to the artist's studio. The girls and I turned around, since it didn't seem very stroller friendly. Wish I had seen it, the pictures make it look wonderful.

This part of the post could be called: Why I will never camp without Ken. He set up the tent, started the fire, made get the picture. If you are going to camp, bring and Eagle Scout!
Here is Anna gathering pine-cones for kindling:

Joel went for the bigger guns:

Mt Rushmore is a place I've always wanted to go...looks cool!