I have been "showing off" my house as I have completed each room (ok that was in 2009, but stick with me). Although I did show my office in July of 2009, it really wasn't complete because there were still boxes tucked behind the printer and the book shelves were a mess. Well, I have been finishing the office this summer (I KNOW I KNOW) and completed it yesterday. Initially I was searching for my birth certificate (I KNOW I KNOW), which was found. This week I was prepping for a visit from my boss. She is driving from Iowa City back to Omaha and is stopping by to give me my latest project. It is wonderful that she is saving me a trip to Omaha, a bit scary to have to clean for my boss!
Ta dah!

(FYI, the boxes on the shelves contain DVDs for current projects and are and occupational hazard.)
And my goal is to keep it this way. Although it might seem lofty, if there is a room that I should be able to keep clean, it is this one! I absolutely LOVE it. Wish me luck!
Nice job, Betsy. Good luck keeping it tidy. I sure go in spurts.